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Word Association Test with Answers : Test Set 6

I have also provided the methods to tackle negative words and other best WAT formation rules, you can refer to these posts for more details and knowledge.Read WAT practice set 5.
Today i am providing more WAT words for your better practice, also there are more than one positive sentence over each word. The best way to score more in Word Association Test in SSB is to Practice more and more WAT words and review the sentence you have made. You can write your assignment in my comment box below and i will check your sentence and suggest you improvements. In my previous posts i have provided introduction to WAT and Formation rules you can read basic introduction and formation rules there.

WAT Practice set 6 with pdf:

  • India share good relations with its neighbours.
  • SAARC summit, play a vital role to improve situation in South Africa.
  • China is not a trusted neighbour in the present scenario.
  • Rabindra Nath Tagore was conferred Nobel prize for literature.
  • Mother Teresa fought for a Nobel cause to bring peace to eh humanity.
  • Helping poor and needy is a Nobel step, should develop in life.
  • Amaranth Yatra is a historic journey as per the epics in Hindu mythology.
  • Journey to moon in Apollo shuttle brought the first human landing on the planet; Neil Armstrong was the first human being to land on moon followed by Adwin Aldrin and John Glenn.
  • Journey to Vaishno Devi Temple is very fascinating and aspiring.
  • India is planning to send its manned mission into space in 2015.
  • Space exploration is an old science in Hindu mythology.
  • Time and space waits for none.
  • China is showing signs of timidity in dealing with Tibet issue.
  • Timid action by Pakistani rangers resulted in failure of the Kargil operations. India is proud to beat back such operations.
  • Be bold, do not be timid and take life as it comes.
  • Brain-Drain is caused by the fascination of glamorous life of the west.
  • Glitter and glamour is the hallmark of the bollywood industry.
  • Actors live a glamorous life.
  • Bachendri Pal is the first lady to climb Mt. Everest.
  • Never loose height in mountains, follow the unwritten law and you will always succeed in difficult missions.
  • Fighting back poverty is like a mountain in front of the nation, should beat back at the earlier.
  • A.P.J. Abdul Kalam is the father of missile programme in India.
  • Mahatma Gandhi is the father of the nation.
  • Father is a pillar of strength in the family.
  • India and France strengthened its nuclear pact during President Nicolas Sarkozy’s visit to India.
  • Human resource is a great strength for a great nation like India.
  • Indian army excels in number, it is the third largest in the world.
  • Indian army is known for the strategy of defence in war like situations.
  • Defence of our nation is vital to safeguard the humanity and the people.
  • Defence against seasonal diseases is a difficult preposition.
  • Population explosion is a cause to the society.
  • Society make the people strong, we have to fight of the solidarity of the nation.
  • Society is responsible to arrest the crime against the women.
  • Peace and prosperity is advocated by our great nation and great people like Mahatma Gandhi.
  • It is essential to bring peace in Pakistan for progress of South Asia.
  • Peace and prosperity is required amongst nations to fight back terrorism in the present day.
  • The novel A White Tiger, by Arvind Adiga won the booker’s prize.
  • Arundhati Roy is great novelist, booker’s prize recipient and also fighting for the cause of the Maoist and helping government to settle the issue.
  • William Wordsworth is a great poet; he is famous for his outstanding performance in poetry.
  • The literature in form of encyclopedias written by pt. Jawaharlal Nehru is a great contribution to the Indian society and the people.
  • Shakespeare won lot of laurels in English Literature.
  • Tornado Wilma, Rita was great setback for the Americans in the coastal areas, resulting in death of large number of people.
  • The untimely death of Princess Diana was setback to the people all over the world.
  • Captain Manoj Talwar laid down his life for the nation during Kargil operation and became a martyr to serve as an example to the youth of the nation.

  • India and Bangladesh obeyed its trade pact signed between nations.
  • Children should obey the parents for their growth and development.
  • Obey the elders and take the blessings for brighter life.

  • Terrorist attack in Mumbai and the ghastly scene at the Hotel Taj was a setback to the intelligence network.
  • Jammu and Kashmir has scenic beauty
  • The scene of terrorist action during 9/11 at the World Trade Centre was a great set back to the Americans.

  • India started cutting its prime lending rates to tackle economic crisis.
  • Problem of terrorism should be tackled collectively at the international arena.
  • Tackling illiteracy is an essential for the growth of the people.
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Word Association Test in SSB: Practice set 6 with pdf downoad

By Deepak Tomar →


Guys i have uploaded may GD and Lecturette Related posts earlier and this is also one of the important post that can be asked in Group Discussion in SSB or anywhere in your interview. So before proceeding for your interview you should have a look on this post also.

a)      Training

b)      Modernization

c)       Having better relation with the public

In a society, where thousands of people live, differences / problems among individuals are bound to occur. These differences sometimes end up in crime from petty thefts to dacoities, to murder, to kidnapping and, more lately to cyber crime. The police is the most important government agency which maintains law and order. Hence it becomes of paramount important that the police force remain in healthy state.


       For any government agency to work effectively, training is an important aspect. If the training is lacking, the efficiency will go down. Every job has a peculiar training requirement. A policeman has to deal with the public and has long working hours hence the first and foremost requirement is that he should be mentally and physically healthy. Secondly, to take the criminal to a conclusive trial, he should be an expert at collecting evidence. Thirdly, he should be an expert in handling weapon and equipment because often situations arise when force has to bring the offender to the book.


         Gone are the days when Jaggu Dada was responsible of all crimes in a locality. Today so many people are involved in various kinds of crime that police investigations has become a very difficult task. Hence the need for modernization. The police today heavily banks on computers to store and record various kinds of data. They need proper weapons to incapacitate the offender. A water cannon rather than tear gas shells is better to break a hostile rally. They need a better and more reliable communication network. Lastly, they need swift and better transport to physically apprehend the culprits. The police also need the assistance of the doctor fraternity to prove crime.

Better relation with the public

          In our country, the public has a fear of the police. We are fed with numerous stories of the bad treatment/experience individuals had in dealing with the police. A few black sheep who exist in every department give a bad name to organization. Police all over the country is trying to improve its image. No wonder the Delhi Police has coined the slogan, “With you, for you, always.” Today, the SHOs of police stations are easily available and ghey brief the public on the latest situation of their case. Senior police officials hold public durbars where public grievances are resolved. On the other hand it is also the duty of the public grievances are resolved. On the other hand it is also the duty of the public to cooperate and give regard to the police personnel. Public encouragement will motivate him to perform better. A better Police-Public relation will go a long way to clean the society.

What should be done 

  1. The emphasis should be on crime control through people’s participation and fear of uniform must be removed.
  2.  Instill a sense of security amongst the people and senior citizen.
  3. Police officers must patrol beats.
  4. Emphasis must be to crack down even petty crime to show who is in control.
  5. Effective police personnel must be rewarded.
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By Deepak Tomar →



Hello SSB Aspirants, this is an Sample PPDT practice set on A BIG QUEUE IN EMPLOYMENT EXCHANGE. This is a part of PPDT Practice set , which may come across during your SSB Psychological TAT or on SSB Screening PPDT. I have also uploaded many sample psychological PPDT and TAT stories for your preparation earlier. Practice more and more for better practice.

Sample PPDT / TAT Story

 Manoj saw a long queue in an employment exchange. He knew that people were struggling for the jobs. Many of them were getting the jobs very late. Manoj was aware about the policies of the Government for disinvestment and privatization of various public sector undertakings, which caused further reduction in the government jobs. He assessed the situation and decided to open a good school, where he could make a good use of his skill and managerial aptitude. Manoj took loan to arrange for the school building and required infrastructure to run the school up to XII class initially. He appointed the competent teachers and gave publicity about the school. He got good response. Manoj also started job oriented computer training as compulsory from the coming years, which also attracted quite a good number of students to join. He also ensured good facilities, studies, standard and effective management in the school to develop the traits of personality of students and make them potential to compete any leading examinations. His expectation became true. Many students cleared leading competitions, which enhanced the reputation of the school even more. His school came up as a reputed school in that area. Manoj could establish a good self-employment as well as his image in the society. 


By Deepak Tomar →


Hello SSB Aspirants, this is an Sample PPDT practice set on YOUTH EAGERLY WAITING TO WITNESS SOME ACTIVITY. This is a part of PPDT Practice set , which may come across during your SSB Psychological TAT or on SSB Screening PPDT. I have also uploaded many sample psychological PPDT and TAT stories for your preparation earlier. Practice more and more for better practice.

Sample PPDT / TAT Story for SSB Interview

Mohmood was MA final year student of Lahore university during the year 2006. He knew that Indian cricket team had reached Pakistan for forty days’ tour to play four one day matches and the test series. He was of the opinion that the relations between India and Pakistan could improve through peaceful manner. When the masses from both sides come closure through love and positive understanding. Mahmood also knew that the good relation of Pakistan with India and other neighbor countries was the need of the hour in view of the move of the world. He found a better chance to set up an example by mobilizing the opinion of the youth. To express their love and soft stand towards India and give a constructive message to both the countries. He impressed the students and other youth to witness the matches up to the maximum possible extent and also back up both the teams where the players demonstrate the good game.  Mahmood succeeded in organizing a good response from the students and other youngsters, who showed a good example and constructive attitude towards Indians. Their huge representation and actions in various matches sent a positive message not only to the people of India and Pakistan but also to the whole the world. Such demonstration of Pakistan youngsters helped to improve the relations drastically between the two countries. 

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By Deepak Tomar →


Hello everyone, this is an Sample PPDT practice set on A SOLDIER IS CLIMBING UP . This is a part of PPDT Practice set , which may come across during your SSB Psychological TAT or on SSB Screening PPDT.I have also uploaded many sample psychological PPDT and TAT stories for your preparation earlier. Practice more and more for better practice.

Sample PPDT / TAT Story for SSB Interview

Pritam was a NCC cadet. He did well in many adventurous activities in NCC annual day celebration. He assessed that army was the best place for him, where he could do well and rise maximum. Pritam appeared at the UPSC and then SSB tests and got selected. His desire was to fight with enemy on the battle field. He thus opted for Infantry. After a year’s time of his posting to an infantry unit, the Kargil conflict started. As Pakistani soldiers entered into Indian territory with the intention to alter line of control and occupy the mountain heights in Kargil, Batalik and Drass sectors. The unit of Pritam was given task to eliminate the enemy from the top of Kargil mountain. Pritam briefed his men about the plan. He moved during night with required helping material to climb the mountain and carry weapons including ammunition to kill the enemy. Pritam attacked ferociously during midnight giving surprise to the enemy. And he along with his eliminated the enemy completely from that area. Pritam led his troop to the magnificent victory. Which gave also josh to entire company and Pritam led many such covert operations during entire Kargil conflict.
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By Deepak Tomar →
            It is unfortunate that most businesses collapse because they fail to improve their business processes. Stagnating in one place makes the business fail as other factors progress and clients want more innovation to be included in the product. Again, the business is negatively affected by redundant technology, SOPs, and systems. If your business has been in this position, as shown by all indicators, then we have some great ideas that you can use to start improving. Keep reading:
            More Focus on the Problem
If a business is at a point where one wants to improve the business processes, it means that there is a problem. This is your focus for now so that there is a start point. List all of the possible challenges and risks while explaining them in detail. This will be the guide when a team of experts sits down to come up with possible solutions. It is also the start point to know which experts you need to hire.
            Prepare an Improvement Plan
Business processes revolve around a couple of factors. When planning to improve them, you need to come up with an improvement plan that lists your goals and how to achieve them. If you consult any experienced experts, they will confirm to you that your plan is a long-term solution where you will only need to amend a few things as the business grows. The best improvement plan involves all of the stakeholders to get the best ideas possible.
            Technology Adoption
Without technology adoption, a business will not succeed in this era. Both suppliers and clients are already using technological solutions and you need to jump on the bandwagon to compete. According to, the first step is improving the website and increasing customer traffic. You need to have software that incorporates all operations and automates them. It may be a complicated process, but there is a possible solution for various budgets and situations. Use the right experts to achieve your goals.
            Prepare a Monitoring Process
Now that you plan to roll out a process improvement strategy, you have to be prepared for future occurrences. This means preparing important operations like monitoring processes. Installing the best software to do the monitoring and reporting is a great idea. It is easy to monitor using in-house staff, especially supervisors and managers. Such preparedness is not only for the future, but also puts everyone on notice that there are improvements underway. Make sure that everyone is trained adequately to handle all of these improvements and new processes.
            Analyze Any Risks and Propose Solutions

Experts advocate for preparedness before processes are improved. In fact, it is logical to anticipate problems that are likely to occur in a business during the process improvements. Let the team come up with possible solutions and ideas that they think are good.
The managers and owners have a task of coming up with solutions for business process improvement. The other stakeholders should also be involved in the process for total solutions. With the above tips, you will have a smooth time improving the processes.

5 Ideas to Get Started on Improving Your Business Processes

By Deepak Tomar →

Why to Upgrade your Free app to Purchased App

SSB Interview Best App for Preparation
SSB Interview Best App
Hello aspirants, First of all we would like to thank to all of you for your support and appreciation. We are proudly launching our paid SSB Interview Preparation Android App for all aspirants to make their ground strong for Upcoming SSB Interviews. You all must be wondering why it is paid:
  • We are a team of developers and experts we are providing everything free for 2 years but to pay for app and website expenses i have to do it. I have not kept a very high price its 78 for now till 31/01/2017. So don’t wait claim your paid app today.

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What are added in app:

  • Ads are removed to give you better experience of studying.
  • Added More PPDT Sample Stories for Practice (10 Sets for now).
  • Added More TAT stories for Practice (30 Sets Prepared)
  • WAT Tests 300+ words added
  • Added More Material on GTO Process which includes PGT, GPE, GD, HGT, Lecture, Command Task, Snake Race, FGT
  • Expert Advice: You can contact the expert anytime via Whatsapp
    Note* For reviewing your PPDT and TAT stories a separate comment column added and we will respond to your story
  • Special Articles on PI Section will be added.
  • And much more......

Download Link:

Request to all Users: Please rate 5 star review to app, it means nothing for you but helps in app upgrading.


SSB Guide Pro App Released: 21% Discount (Limited Time)

By Deepak Tomar →

Final Group Task (FGT): Practice Set 1

Hello aspirants, Final Group task is the last test in GTO Testing. In this article we will be provide some practice tips for Final Group Task if you want to read more about the FGT please read my previous article here.

Practice Session for FGT SSB Interview
Practice Session for FGT SSB Interview

Practice Session Final Group Task SSB:

  • The group is supposed to maintain all the rules and regulations as mentioned in previous Progressive group tasks.
  • The tie to complete the task is at premium and the group should be swift enough to complete the task.
  • The candidate should perform well in this task by giving intellectual ideas and go over the obstacles as the complete group in the shortest possible time.
  • The group with the helping material and the load is required to go over the start line and culminate the task at the finish line.
  • Any infringement by the candidates will force the group to restart the process again.
  • This is the last task in the GTO series and those students who have not performed well in the ground task get a last opportunity to perform over the task
  • All the students should endevour to perform well from the first task to ninth task and lay claim toward selection.
Also Read:

GTO Test: Practice Session for Final Group Task

By Deepak Tomar →

Final Group Task in SSB Intetview: Tips and Practice Session

Hello aspirants, Final Group task is the last test in GTO Testing. In this article we will be providing the introduction of Final Group task, How to take FGT in SSB and useful tips for Final Group Task in SSB Interview. So go threw the whole article carefully.

Introduction to Final Group Task:

Final Group Taskin SSB: Intro & Tips
Final Group Task: Intro & Tips
The last task of the series of Ground Task is called the Final Group Task. GTO exposes the students to FGT. Those students do not perform well between PGT/HGT/CT should show endeavor to improve in the FGT, though it is a belated action. The final look at the students is taken by the GTO. Though last minute performance is not going to help, yet there is always room for improvement at any stage. Remember, rules, regulations, and limitations are the same as applicable to other ground tasks.

Objective of Final Group Task at SSB Interview:

This is the last task at the SSB.  Already before this task the GTO will note down and choose the candidate based on performance in their previous tasks.  So it is also a last chance for the candidates to show up their qualities.  Even some candidates may get a few chances to prove in PGT.  So those candidates should use this to prove their leadership qualities.
It is also a PGT, but in PGT, the group has to cross four obstacles.  Here in the FGT, we have to cross only one.  So all should be fast in their decisions to work out their plans.

Tips for Final Group Task (FGT):

All the rules, principles and instructions are same as that of Progressive Group Task (PGT).
Things to follow at Final Group Taks (FGT):-
1) Never look at the GTO while doing the tasks.
2) Give a good idea to the group if you don’t know any idea just help the idea givers truthfully.
3) Never violate the rules it is the basic of GTO tasks, and in case if you violate the rule, just repeat the task.
4) Be an active participant in the team by giving your full cooperation.
5) Be positive in your views i.e. take consideration about other members ideas if it is finer than yours.

GTO Test: Final Group Task (Introduction & Tips)

By Deepak Tomar →