

Aspirants i have uploaded the introduction of Situation Reaction Test and few examples of SRT in my previous post. If you are reading this first time then please go threw my previous post of Tips and Introduction of Situation Reaction Test in SSB. Here i am uploading 40 SRT for practice & more SRT Practice sets will be uploaded in my next post.


Q.14. Which returning from market, three persons with knife stop him and ask him to handover his valuable possessions. He…
Ans. Tries to give resistance, if not, telephonically gets in touch with police helpline, gives the general direction of the three persons and tries to help the police in nabbing the culprits.
Q.15. While patrolling at unit man gate, a terrorist fired at his leg and bleeding started badly and he is snatching his rifle. He…
Ans. Raise and alarm, use his weapon in self-defence, over power the terrorist, catch and nab him and hand him over the authorities.
Q.16. While on leave he heard radio and announcement about outbreak of WAR. He…
Ans. Immediately gets in touch with the unit, takes the train, reaches his regimental headquarters and performs his best in the war.
Q.17. In field area, he was short of manpower; one of his jawans asks for the leave on wrong excuse which he knows is false. He…
Ans. investigates the matter, if the excuse of the jawan is fabricated, takes disciplinary action against the person.
Q.18. He is already late to complete his task. His collegues refund to co-operate with him. He…
Ans. Learns more about the task from his sunordinates, complete the assigned task to the best of his ability.
Q.19. While returning from picnic, it starts getting dark and he has lost his way. He…
Ans. Tries to check his location with the help of the locals/direction finding through stars/prismatic compass and tries to re-locate his direction and join the group.
Q.20. When his Boss does not agree with his views. He...
Ans. Reviews his point more judicially and gives more convincing answers to his boss to satisfy him.
Q.21. He works hard because…
Ans. Believes in zero error syndrome, sustained effort and success in any field of work.
Q.22. he considers that the most important thing in the world is…
Ans. Develop professional competence honesty loyalty integrity and sustained effort.
Q.23. He receives an order from your CO to do certain work, but he feels that he CO’s approach is wrong. He…
Ans. Completes the assigned as given by the commanding officer and tries to convey his point of view politely if considered.
Q.24.While travelling in a train, he came to know that someone has picked his pocket. He…
Ans. Try to alert the people, carry out a surprise check of the people and lodge an FIR with the police boarding down the train.
Q.25. Due to financial difficulties, his parents find it difficult to give him fISrther education. He…
Ans. Take of part time job during day, continue his evening classes, give financial support to his parents and work towards his professional competence simultaneously.
Q.26. While he is waiting for a bus, an accident took place in front him. He…
 Ans. Notes down the telephone no.  Informs the police telephonically, arranges first aid medication and hospitalization of the deceased person and inform their relatives and friends.
Q.27. He went on a mountain expedition which was a failure and of your friends died in the attempt. He…
Ans. Learns to know the correct art of mountain expedition through sustained practical guidance and climbing operations and ensure success in the subsequent mountain expedition.
Q.28. He felt that the work he is presently engaged is useless. He…
Ans. Tries to develop interest in the job, take the job more seriously and enjoy the work.
 Q.29. His friend lost his job and into financial difficulties. He…
Ans. Helps his friend to the best of his ability by giving financial and moral support and see that his friend recover from the loss.
Q.30. O finding that you are loosing the ground in a discussion with your opponent. He…
Ans. Gives his point of view with more logic and depth and convinces the group during the discussion.
Q.31. In his office staff is not working efficiently. He…
Ans. Motivates the staff by giving essentials of hard work, builds the staff both morally and socially and ensure that the staff working and efficiently.
Q.32. He finds a task which is difficult. He…
Ans. Tries to know more of the task through the colleagues and his subordinates, completes assigned task to the best of his knowledge and competence.
Q.33. His plan had failed in the very beginning. He...
Ans. Dies not get discouraged, make a detailed plan all over again and succeed in the mission.
Q.34. He is at home and dacoits have reached at his apartment and started looting. He…
Ans. Raises an alarm, informs police and seeks help through helpline, gives stiff resistance to the dacoits till such time the police arrives and apprehends the culprits.
Q.35. He is asked to organize a variety show in the aid of jawan Welfare in his unit. He…
Ans. Accepts the responsibility, makes a detailed programme of the variety entertainment show, carries out extensive rehearsals and ensures that the variety show I performed to the best.
Q.36. His Coy is camping in a jungle for training where shooting is prohibited. A leopard which may prove a dangerous is seen close to the camp as a sentry on duty. He…
Ans. Raises an alarm, lights marshals, makes drum beats, fire in the air to frighten the animal till such time they succeed in the mission.
Q.37. Emergency has declared in the city where his unit is located. He is the CO of the unit. He…
Ans. Alerts the unit, gives optimum support to the Deputy Commissioner of Police and discharges his duty as per the laid down customs and traditions of the army.
Q.38. Whenever he is required to take new step. He…
Ans. Goes more about details, makes extensive efforts, does lot of reading and takes the right step to succeed in the mission.
Q.39. While going to the office, he saw a man climbing on a house with the help of a rope. He…
Ans. Questioned the person of liming the house through the rope, if satisfied proceeds to the office if not take the required action to dissuade the person from making unaccepanle attempt of approaching the house through the rope.
Q.40. He has to take group of all India tour. He…
Ans. Accepted the responsibility. Conducted the group well and everybody enjoyed the tour in his command.

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tags:situation reaction test examples in ssb, examples of situation reaction test in ssb, srt practice test for ssb, situation reaction test examples, srt examples for ssb, srt in psychology test SSB, sample srt question answers, basic srt questions, srt test set for practice, download srt practice set for ssb
Deepak Tomar

I'm Deepak Tomar. I have completed my M.Tech in Computer Science and now i am working as a Govt. Employee in UP Police, I Love to help others and making friends, you can connect to me on facebook for any help- I will be happy to help you .


  1. sir
    i am going for ssb in the next week so please if you send me some PICTURE PERCEPTION figure for practising in my ID - luviscrazyy@gmail.com for that i will be
    thankful to you.

  2. sir , please send me files relating WAT & PPDT my id -shanwaghmode@gmail.com ,thank you sir jai hind

  3. sir, my name is amit please send me some ppdt pic and gpe on my id amitsinghlko99@gmail.com

  4. Sir I m going for ssb next week 13 march for cds ...plz send me some ppdt pics ...with stories
    ...my I'd sharmasunny448@gmail.com..
    Thank you..

  5. Sir please snd some pics for practice ppdt

  6. thank you sir for your valuable guidance



  9. sir please give me some suggestion to crack this ssb interview which is scheduled for me this month ..my mail id is sivasundra89@gmail.com

  10. Sir my name is Pankaj my ssb is schedule to Nov 2015. Kindely provide me some ppdt,srt,wat and latest topic for gd and lecturate and some question pertaining to serving category solidier
    My e mail I'd is
    Thk u sir

  11. Helo sir please send me matrial for ssb ...my mail is rht455@gmail.com

  12. you have writeen 200+ examples, but on the whol;e we have just 60, where are the rest my friends.

  13. Hello sir
    I m going to attend afcat interview in next month. Please send me a reliable materials for afcat interview on my mail I.d rkm888686 @gmail.com

  14. can someone please help me for WAT. Shuzaifa01@yahoo.com kindly email me the files

  15. Isatyendra preparing for written cdsexam can you plz.. Send me some vedios related to screening test and personal interview

  16. Isatyendra preparing for written cdsexam can you plz.. Send me some vedios related to screening test and personal interview

  17. Sr I m going to attend SSB of TES 36 .....
    kindly snd me tips to crack SSB .......on ......korangamanish4@gmail.com.........
    I will b thnk ful fr u.........

  18. Sr I m going to appear in SSB of TES ....Kindly snd me tips to crk ssb .......on korangamanish4@gmail.com

  19. thank you sir

  20. Pls sent me ssb documents

    God bless you.

  21. sir , i m eager to join jat regiment , plz send me helping material to my mail attri.himanshu@gmail.com

  22. all the above srt's are same in the devgan class.. have u copied from there.

  23. sir i am going for tes entry to kapurthala on 5 feb 2017 is it good center

  24. Please provide me some gd and lecturate topics to be prepared. I am going to face ssb on 23 rd Feb 2017.
    Email id - sd_dme09@rediffmail.com

  25. http://www.examcompetition.com/wat-negative-word-list/

  26. Sir, This is Jeevan Kumar. Iam attending AFSB next monday. So please Send as many files as you can that help me to clear AFSB. My ID kumarjeevan.14320@gmail.com
    Thank you.
