Banking Interview Questions/Study material for IBPS-Clerk & PO, RRB, SBI-PO & Clerk, RBI

If you are going for your interview in any of the bank or for IBPS-Clerk & PO, SBI PO, RRB or for RBI then you should be fully prepared for it you should prepare some basics questions and some facts that are relevant for your interview purpose. this post will tell you the basics questions and how you should answer. There are 4 pdf file attached with post. Study all those carefully prepare hard and you will make it will generally go threw these types of questions.

1) Tell me something about yourself?

Ans. I am a person with strong interpersonal skills and have
the ability to get along well with people. I enjoy
challenges and looking for creative solutions to
Besides the details given in my resume, I believe in
character values, vision and action. I am quick in
learning from mistakes. I am confident that the various
tests that you have conducted will corroborate my
competencies aptitude and right attitude for the job.
2) What do you seek from a job?

For all answer download pdf below.

3) How would you present your strengths ?
4) Do you have any weakness?
5) Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
6) Tell us an incident where you had a problem with
your team-mate. How did you handle it?
7) Is there anything else that we should know about
you that would impact our decision?
8) How do you deal with criticism?
9) Did you have any failures in your life?
10) What have you learnt from your failures?
11) If after sometime you start disliking the job? What
would you do?
12) What are your salary expectations?
13) Can you give three reasons why would you like to
join our company?
14) Do you have any questions to ask us?
15) How do you think our company determines success
in an employee?
16) If you were an animal/ a can of soup/ some other
random object which one would you prefer and why?
17) Suppose I tell you I don’t like your face, then why
should I select you?
18) Suppose you find yourself in a deserted island.
What three things you will need to survive
19) How mobile are you?
20) How do you think you conducted or performed
during this interview?
21) Why do you want to enter banking?

Advice for Interview:

Guys Question asked in interview will depend on your answer like if you told the interviewer that you like to play cricket in your hobby then he can ask you about cricket like- What is the length of pitch and what is square leg and mid on, he can ask any question. So before going to interview prepare your answers and then answers of answers. The pdf i have uploaded here consist of general questions based on the previous candidates who have successfully qualified for interview. It is not necessary that you will be asked the same question ya you may be asked some of the banking questions which you can find in pdf. Have a wonderful day and my wishes are with you for your interview.

Download Banking interview questions pdf--

Banking Interview Study material Part 2--

Banking Interview questions part 3--

Banking interview practice set 3--

Deepak Tomar

I'm Deepak Tomar. I have completed my M.Tech in Computer Science and now i am working as a Govt. Employee in UP Police, I Love to help others and making friends, you can connect to me on facebook for any help- I will be happy to help you .

1 comment to ''Banking Interview questions ~ Study material Download for banking Interview"

  1. Students need to get their minds focused on learning here an article something new every day.
