
A Person Addressing Two students in a Room

sample PPDT picture on a person addressing two students

What have you seen in the picture
Tone person sitting across the table spectacles and two boys standing in front in school uniform.
Characters involved
Ago profile
16 to 40 years
What has already happened
Suggestions to make a project on energy crisis
Present happenings
Detailed briefing by the principal of the institution to prepare the project as part of CBSE requirement
Final outcome
Project successful and as per of CBSE requirement demonstrated
Come to a common consensus
Learn from hard work and success in mission


1.     The picture displayed is generally obscured.
2.     See the picture carefully and evaluate the sequence of events concerning all three characters.
3.     The central character should be of your age profile and depict of vibrant personality.
4.     The senior character can be counselor or a person in high office.
5.     The second leading character should also be commented and given a rule.

6.     Make a meaningful analysis of the situation and come to a logic conclusion.

Also read



·        How to write a PPDT story on Eve Teasing Case: Set 3


Deepak Tomar

I'm Deepak Tomar. I have completed my M.Tech in Computer Science and now i am working as a Govt. Employee in UP Police, I Love to help others and making friends, you can connect to me on facebook for any help- I will be happy to help you .


  1. Sahil and charit are two brilliant students of kendriya vidalaya andrews ganj while they were on their way home they saw 3 men who had weapons and were harassing a women and onlookers didn't respond. Both analysed the situation and decided to oppose them from harassing her and they informed the police, very next day principal of the school calls them both in his office after seeing their act of bravery of students in the television and congratulates them for that, he also informs them that he had recommended their names for national bravery awards, they felt happy after hearing that, principal also told them that they have to prepare a speech for their brave act for the school assembly and motivate other people to act in a similar way and work for humanity. They both left the room feeling proud for themselves. They prepared a inspirational speech for next day and inspired people of their nation as it was covered by media, also the criminals were traced by police soon and were sentenced to spend a long time in prison.

    1. Gurminder, you are going good bro, in this story you don't need to write andrew ganj and try to write more in present as i told you earlier because story in present describes the PPDT picture well. you have written well this time, keep going practice more PPDT pictures provided.
      Moreover try to write on some project work or some study related work on these type of Pictures why are you including voilance in these type of simple Scenes just write normal stories, include voilance if it is shown in picture and if you are not getting better ideas. Best of luck for further stories

  2. Have i improved. I have a good chance to get screened in right ??

  3. ashish and rafi are classmates. they both are good in academics and have been selected for the state level quiz competition. Both of being excellent in studies shares a rivalry in academics and dont want to pair up for the quiz competition. The principal calls both of them and tries to convince them to go for the competition together, it was a high time that instead of thinking for themselves they must think for the reputation of their school. He was confident that if they together compete the quiz they can definitely win. They both agree to the principal and are ready to pair up for the competition. they not only compete the quiz but also win with extra points. They become famous in school and instead of thinking each other as rivals they become friends. From now on they always compete together and make their school proud.

    1. Dear Deepak,

      I am appearing for SSB this year. I have a little doubt in PPDT and TAT. Can you please tell me the picture shown above is PPDT or TAT? whether and reply posted by anonymous is based on PPDT or TAT?
      Kindly explain..

    2. Ram and Shyam are classemates.They are standing in front of their sports teacher.A inter school tournament is going to be organised in their city.Ram,Shyam and other teamates practised a lot for this tournament.Both Ram and Shyam are fantastic players so the sports teacher is in ambiguity to decide who to make captain of the team.That

  4. In the pricture i assumed that Rajiv along with one of his friend is being interviewed by campus recruiting agency officer who is in 40s and is wearing a glasses. Rajiv is an engineering student, who is in final semester and is about to complete his degree soon, all the students of final semester was informed by the college authorities that campus recruitment will be happening in the coming months and all students should start preparing, Rajiv decided to work hard, he made a time table of studies where he spared some time for refreshing basics and analytic approaches while studying for his final semester, rajiv worked on his resume and highlighted his strengths , he even went through the internet to enquire the type of companies and their reputation that has advertised for the campus placement, he even watched interview videos on youtube and prepared well. He shotlisted the companies of his choice and dropped his resume on the day of interview he was selected in Microsoft company along with the friend of his in the picture recruting officer has called both of them and are congratulating them.

    1. Bhupinder, It is really superb that you are using youtube, internet and these type of advanced method of learning it impress the interviewers but you are writing more about past look these lines
      (" who is in final semester and is about to complete his degree soon, all the students of final semester was informed by the college authorities that campus recruitment will be happening in the coming months and all students should start preparing, Rajiv decided to work hard, he made a time table of studies where he spared some time for refreshing basics and analytic approaches while studying for his final semester")
      There is no need to go in so much past you may write more in present about room scene or u can discuss any question asked by interviewer in the story.

  5. Ankit is final year mechanical engineering student who is preparing for his project with his friend ajay.ankit and his friend went with an idea to malik sir for discussing the project on increasing the efficiency of the engine, but sir told them that previous year batch did the same thing, ankit told ajay to do something different and within the stipulated time they created a model of efficycle and presented it in front of their sir.sir was impressed by their project and forwarded their project to SAE india

  6. Ankit is final year mechanical engineering student who is preparing for his project with his friend ajay.ankit and his friend went with an idea to malik sir for discussing the project on increasing the efficiency of the engine, but sir told them that previous year batch did the same thing, ankit told ajay to do something different and within the stipulated time they created a model of efficycle and presented it in front of their sir.sir was impressed by their project and forwarded their project to SAE india

    1. you are always innovative and good shailendra nicely written.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Review about your PPDT story have been posted.

    2. deepak as you have mentioned that i have mentioned lot of past things that have already happened, does it give wrong impression

    3. ya bhupinder i told you, not to write in past but can u relate these lines written in present with the image, just tell me can anyone guess the picture on reading these lines--(" who is in final semester and is about to complete his degree soon, all the students of final semester was informed by the college authorities that campus recruitment will be happening in the coming months and all students should start preparing, Rajiv decided to work hard, he made a time table of studies where he spared some time for refreshing basics and analytic approaches while studying for his final semester")

      I always say ki try to write in present---"Here present means describing the image with your story not just writing anything "

  8. Ram and Shyam are brothers and are currently pursuing engineering from a college in Ujjain.Their father Mr. Pillai suffered from an accident and were so suggested total bed rest,due to which there was no other member to earn money for family other than ram and shyam. They decided to get a job and were ready to face an interview after they read wants in Newspaper for a BPO company.They were called for the interview after checking there resume. they got well dressed and confidently went for the interview.They gave good and effective answers and were finally selected.they started working thie from the next day and were soon enough played so that there family members didnt suffered much.Both of them carried the responsibility of their family members very efficiently and also scored good marks in the examination.They were praised for there brilliant work and soon their father recovered

    1. Aman bro it is not upto the mark as you need not to write ''Their father Mr. Pillai suffered from an accident and were so suggested total bed rest,due to which there was no other member to earn money for family other than ram and shyam. They decided to get a job and were ready to face an interview after they read wants in Newspaper for a BPO company.''
      What do you mean by BPO and why are you creating a accident scene (a negative story), This is a nice PPDT pic to write on just write on academics some project success and so on.

    2. Vijay and Vikas are tenth students in the sainik school.The school celebrates it's annual day on coming Saturday so the principal wants two students to host the show.The class teacher referred these two students to the principal.Principal called these two students and asked to speak about something for five minutes.Vijay and Vikas started to speak about politics and the principal was amazed by their english and confirmed them to host the show.On the day of the event both performed very well and recieved great applausde from the crowd.

    3. Aarish and Arsam are two brilliant Athletes of their college ,One day principal of their college told them that big athletes competition is held in Gujrat in which all colleges of Gujrat recomend their two best athlets in this competition and after seeing ur academic status and your hardwork in sports i just decided that u should go in this competition .They both are most excited for this competition ...... Is this story right ?

  9. aman and sagar are two average students of poornima college of jaipur.but they are really good in making projects.they were selected by their dean of college to represent their college in annual technical fest held in jaipur.aman really had brilliant skills regarding projects and sagar too contributed well.they both work hard for one month . finally they presented their project in technical fest and were rewarded with best project of the year.

  10. Amit & Akhilesh,17 year 11th class student,leader of Secret Scout Team made by principal,45 year old Mr Semwal.They are reporting for the previous week progress.Mr Semwal is immensely glad by seeing their teamwork for betterment of school.He adviced them to be working in unity.He also listed their name for Students of The Year and blessed them for great future.

  11. Mohan and Anil were postgraduates of JNU. In their first year of studies, they came under tremendous influence of T.S. Eliot, having read his Wasteland. Thereafter, they decided to devote to a critical study to Eliot's life and works and after six months of research and hard work, they published a critical paper on Eliot's achievements. The paper drew wide acclaim all over the world and the Harvard University invited them to pursue their P. Hd. at 100% scholarship. The VC of JNU was very happy over their accomplishment. He called them in his office and congratulated them; wishing them good luck for future. After PG, Anil and Mohan went to Harvard and came out with flying colours.

  12. ravi and shyam coming from middle class family completes his 10th and is pursuing further education in the same school .Ravi, after all being good in studies they scores poor marks in their model exams as they had many family problem . On the other hand Shyam was one of the toppers in the school . One fine day their principal calls them together and asks Shyam to help Ravi in his studies and also motivates them to score high marks . In fact this helps Ravi and his friend to pass out in flying colours . Also they gets admitted in one of the best colleges in India .

  13. Raj is a teacher in a,school.two stident shubham n rahul came to him for a suggestion so that they can able to do gud n respective service in future.raj is suggesting them to give give nda xam n crack down ssb so that they can serve to their country. Bcause for the country developmwnt n growth der will b always a need of young n dyanamic faces.shubham n rahul will crack ssb n they will serve for their country by joining various defense forces.

  14. Ram and Sham study in govt senior secondary school, they are classmate. Both of them are good in studies, one day they had a fight, so thier principal calls them in his office and tells them they should concentrate on studying rather than fighting, and resolve there issues. After that they sorted out their diffrences and become good friends.

  15. vikas is very bright student and mahesh is not, thier teacher asked vikas to help him in it. vikas taught him very well and also made him studious boy, due to which in the exam he performed very well, to congratulate their teacher called them, and after that both of them decide to study together due to which they become school topper. and also best friends

  16. ravi and sam are the class 10 students of the govt school.they both always excel in their studies.as all the class 10 students wrote a model board exam and the results were announced,these two students results were top among the other students.so the principal asked them in personal to come to his office for appreciating them and requested them to prepare a speech and some tips for other students of their school on how to get high marks in the forthcoming board exams.principal also announced that they will get an award for their hardwork they showed in scoring high marks, on the assembly day.

  17. I wrote a story on a boy getting dehydrated and the two boys shown in picture escorted him to the nearest medical center on which the principal congratulated them and gave them a certificate each for their generosity and bravery.
    But the story which is mentioned is completely different so how can i merge these two stories into a common platform?

  18. admin when will you approve the story?

  19. Raghu and Ram had won various quiz competitions.they were called by headmaster to prepare a team of 5 for inter- school quiz competition.They notified about screening test on notice board and through announcement in every class.next day both prepared the test paper and conducted test.they then shortlisted 5 from the test score.Through detailed interview only three were selected and two were they both.the team got selected and was approved by teachers.they contested the quiz and answered most of the questions.they won gold medal.next day they were congractulated and honored by headmaster and awarded gold medals on stage

  20. Ajay and Aman, 12th stnd. student of science and arts are mentors of scouts of Kendriya Vidyalaya No.1 Agra. One day both were called by school scouts and guide head mentor and told them about 3rd level (tritya sopan) camping to be held on monday. So headmaster gives them one of the copy of activities to be conducted and ask them to maintain smooth working of all activites, maintain discipline and decorum of school.

  21. Here in this picture, I can see two school students in uniform by the name of Shahnawaz and Jatin who are standing in front of their teacher Ashutosh.. Shahnawaz and Jatin have written a book named as "Social Life and Descrimination". They have come to their teacher for the final reviewing of the book. They are very sagacious student, they known each other well, they have used very informative vocab and thoughts that their teacher too have to take out his dictionary to come to appropriate meanings. We can see two books on the table, one the book that they have written and the other is the dictionary.
    The teacher is very much impressed by their knowledge that comes from extensive research. The teacher is also encouraging them to write another book and he promising pay all the expenses on research in their next expedition.

  22. The Principal of COEP Mr. Suresh Gokul cane uo with a new strategy that every bright student will help the weak student so that the result of the college will improve and indirectly he too will be benifitted. presently Ram and Rajan are being briefed about this by the principle. Ram is very good in studies, and he started helping Rajan. He stopped watching IPL atches and started giving that time to Rajan. The hard labour of the Rajan and Ram bore sweet fruits and Rajan secured 80% in the university exams. Ram also topped the University. The principal praised the Ram for his sincere efforts and dedication. Rajan also thanked him and he feels satisfied and happy.

  23. harsh and paras are captain and vice captain of a team working for a project.The E-bike championship is going to b held in there college.so they are making ab e-bike.Unfortunatdly while motor mounting they came accross some problem.so they are talking about the problem with their mentor.The Mentor gave them a better solution and they made the e bike withing the given time.After an huge competition they made it win the championship.Thus their hard work prove the mettle and they were awarded by a prize of worth 10k by the chairman of university.

  24. rajesh is a pt master in his school football team two talented players gopi and ganesh are not performing well due to there ego problem and the zonal match is to come in a week so the pt master called both of them and explained them about the strength of unity and power of team work and he also explained them about effect of ego problems because of them this is not only for game and also for life by hearing it they realized there mistake and performed as a good team and won zonal and represented for district leve

  25. Aman and sanjay are part of college NCC Unit.Being a brilliant cadets they were called by there ANO to inform about the blood donation camp being initiated in college . Sanjay and Aman took the responsibility of the camp,they mustered there team and discussed the idea . They engaged doctors and medical facilities were taken care properly. Team encourged many people to donate blood .Many people took part in the camp and the camp came out to be a success.Later the team conducted many such camps.

  26. Aman and sanjay are part of college NCC Unit.Being a brilliant cadets they were called by there ANO to inform about the blood donation camp being initiated in college . Sanjay and Aman took the responsibility of the camp,they mustered there team and discussed the idea . They engaged doctors and medical facilities were taken care properly. Team encourged many people to donate blood .Many people took part in the camp and the camp came out to be a success.Later the team conducted many such camps.

  27. Amit and Mohan are the students of school.They are good student.principle called them in office to discuss about the project .they said you both have to participate in science project which will be held next week.they were very surprised and happy .they both started working on science project.they took help from science teacher and got and idea how to work.they shown their project to principle after completion.At last they participated with their full energy and positive spirit they got high marks and represent their school in first position.

  28. rohit and mohit were in 12 class and appearing fir board exams.they decided to help the weak students in their studies .now they were taking the permissions by their principal for extra class to help their classmate. After permission they started with the basics and taught them well .and after result principal is happy by both of them.

  29. rohit and mohit were in 12 class and appearing fir board exams.they decided to help the weak students in their studies .now they were taking the permissions by their principal for extra class to help their classmate. After permission they started with the basics and taught them well .and after result principal is happy by both of them.

  30. subham and ashish are two students of a college but both belongs from different departments,where one is good in his academics where one is good in sports and extracurricular activity so by watching skills and talents,the college principal made a meeting with them to attend a inter college compeition where both participated in their field and they both won in thier own field and made their college name proud ,hence their principal as well as all staff from the college congratulated them for their performance.

  31. In this picture, there are 3 characters. Raj, Kiran and school headmaster. Raj and kiran were best students in their school and they were good at event organizing. On republic day, their school was arranging a grand function and they had a plan to open NGO program in school. So the headmaster told both of them to organize it in proper way. As it was a big challenge for them, they made a group and divided the work individually. With proper plan and coordination, they could able to arrange the function in a proper manner and it was appreciated by the chief guest and head master of school. Hence proper plan and team work can lead your ahead.

  32. raj and amit were best friends and studied in same school.They have done well in there academics.thier school launnched a new exam named as PSA.And for that they were quite nervous.that interview exam assesed the candidate very minutely so they started public speaking and helped each other to rectify their problems.on the interview day they ovecame fear and gave thier best.

  33. raj and amit were best friends and studied in same school.They have done well in there academics.thier school launnched a new exam named as PSA.And for that they were quite nervous.that interview exam assesed the candidate very minutely so they started public speaking and helped each other to rectify their problems.on the interview day they ovecame fear and gave thier best.

  34. raj and amit were best friends and studied in same school.They have done well in there academics.thier school launnched a new exam named as PSA.And for that they were quite nervous.that interview exam assesed the candidate very minutely so they started public speaking and helped each other to rectify their problems.on the interview day they ovecame fear and gave thier best.

  35. ram and shyam are class mate.they are study together. one day fight to each other on playing cricket. then their teacher comes stop them .and asked them come to my cabin . after some time they comes and their teacher say that both of you are class mate so always live with unity . unity is give you strength,power happiness. try to understand power of unity . be a good boy and also good friend and say sorry to each other, shack hand and go to play cricket

  36. ram and shyam are class mate.they are study together. one day fight to each other on playing cricket. then their teacher comes stop them .and asked them come to my cabin . after some time they comes and their teacher say that both of you are class mate so always live with unity . unity is give you strength,power happiness. try to understand power of unity . be a good boy and also good friend and say sorry to each other, shack hand and go to play cricket

  37. ram and shyam are class mate.they are study together. one day fight to each other on playing cricket. then their teacher comes stop them .and asked them come to my cabin . after some time they comes and their teacher say that both of you are class mate so always live with unity . unity is give you strength,power happiness. try to understand power of unity . be a good boy and also good friend and say sorry to each other, shack hand and go to play cricket

  38. vicky with his friend had partcipated in cultural program conducted last evening in his school. Their event got huge appreciation. Next day, Drama teacher called both of him and told about the district level upcoming compettion scheduled to held next month. But this time they have been awarded a negative scene during drama. Before this vicky played only positive roles. Vicky listened the instruction and dialogue and returned to home. He discussed this event to his parents and with his practice and dedication he strated extra pratice at his home with the help of his parents. The event got huge success and he got first prize in the group.

  39. Tarun and Subodh are students of class 10 in Adarsh Public School,Kota. Both of them are good in studies.On the first day of class after a long summer vacation ,they started fighting for a seat in the front row of class. As soon as the principal got to know about their fight,he called them both in his office. After hearing the sides of both Tarun and Subodh ,the principal advised them not to fight for a seat as everyone in the class has equal right on that. It doesn't matter where do you sit in the class. What matters most it that how much you are gaining in the class.Also he suggested them to have a rotatory arrangement of seats. After that they realized their mistake and said sorry to each other.Finally the returned to their class happily .

  40. Hi Depak Am Aejaz My story:
    Story : Planning and Executing for the Welfare of students
    Sundar was 25 and he is class teacher for 8th standard. Kumar and Rahim studies in his class. He called upon them as they are the students representative. He requested them to help to collect students perception and how they want the classes to be and what they want to learn more. Later with their feedback Sundar changed the way of class and students were fond of him. They gave good result and they were upto date with other social acitivity as he introduced it also.

  41. Sanu and alok are final year b.tech student . Both of them are brilliant student of their college. They have appeared for CDS exam and qualify for second round. One of administrative staff of college who had served Indianan army called both of them and give some important tips about second round exam. they listen him carefully and follow him.They appeared in second round and got selected. After selection both of them went to their Master and take his blessing.

  42. Rohan and Arun have been summoned by the principal .Rohan stands nervously due to anticipation
    The principal greets them and tells them that they have been selected for the next round as their project on solar energy was clearly the best .Rohan and Arun are overwhelmed and promise The principal to work even more harder this time .The principal wishes them success .Rohan and Arun give determined smiles

  43. Rohan and Arun have been summoned by the principal .Rohan stands nervously due to anticipation
    The principal greets them and tells them that they have been selected for the next round as their project on solar energy was clearly the best .Rohan and Arun are overwhelmed and promise The principal to work even more harder this time .The principal wishes them success .Rohan and Arun give determined smiles.


  44. Raju and Balu who were creative students of the A.V.C school.they were studying just 9th standard.they were called by there class advisor and asked to do project on rain harvesting for their school.And they asked some points for projects and they had built a low cost project that could save water and send those waters to the near by plants in their schooland also for drinking process.when they submitted the project to the school.class advisor and principal congrats him and also they were implemented this project to their near by village.the students were got scholarship for their project in their school and also got appreciation from district collector.


  45. One fine day, the Principal called Pravin and Kiran to his office. The boys, without knowing the reason came to Principal's room. There they looked the Principal's face with confusion and fear. He shook hands with them and appreciated them for scoring the first two ranks in the examination. There they were asked about the reason for their distinction. Pravin told that he would study daily and be thorough with the subjects that was taught by that day. Kiran told that he would study by the weekend and spend time on sports on week days. Principal asked whether Pravin had interest in sports. He replied in negative that he would not indulge in sport activities but aims at gaining fitness. He also added that playing in week days may affect his studies. Principal asked Kiran that how could he manage time in sports as well as studies. Kiran told that he was a good listener and a keen observer. He would listen and take notes during class hours and spend time for sports in evenings. He would revise at the weekends. The Principal congratulated them and sent them back to the classroom. Both boys thanked the Principal and left the Office.

  46. Raju and vimal studied in vikas public school.Both were top students in their class.Raju was first and vimal on right was second.Both of them got same marks in physics.Their teacher called called them to appreciate their efforts.While talking teacher told them that there is inter state science competition.So teacher told he has already picked a project.The project was desalination of salt water.As soon as raju heard the project he said we cn use osmosis For the project>teacher also appreciated hisidea,While vimal knew the materials requird to finish the project.They both got all materials and started building the product.Within few days they built the product and also conducted succesfull trials.And in the competition they second prize for the concept

  47. Ram and shyam are classmates. Their school principal called them to participate in interstate debate competition. The topic was on wind energy. Now a days we produce electricity 90% by coal. Which causes pollution as well as increasing global warming. Both of them took a help of science teacher. Competition held on next day. But both of them done well and told to advantage of alternative source of energy. Everyone to apreciate them.they got first price. Next day both of them thanked to the principal.

  48. Ram and Shyam is a pursuing degree second year from Vhim ram amvedkar degree college, jaunur UP and both are class leader 1 and 2 respectively. One day the shortage of teacher their class teacher called him in staff room and told them to manage /take classes of English of first year students. English was the favourate subject of Ram so he agreed and went to class room and asked the what is going on in English. He choosed next topic and took class, student enjoyed entre his pd. after finishiing the class student appreciated Ram .and this feed back was given to Class teacher.after that he started to take classes when english teacher is absent.

  49. I perceive 3 characters in the story and my main character of the story is munish 27 years of age had done his MBA in marketing from kys college Ludhiana and now working as a sales manager in a reputed co. called SMG in Chandigarh. In a weekend meeting he recalls two of his sales marketing employees to submit their report on monthly sales production which is lying on the table. Soon he reads the report and saw that the sale production has increased as compared to the last month, he applauded their performances and also praised their work which leads to increase the co. performance and he further also encourages or motivates them to perform much better than this because he knows that they are the best employees of the company. so by receiving the appreciation both the employee were very happy. please rate my story

  50. I perceive 3 characters in the story and my main character of the story is munish 27 years of age had done his MBA in marketing from kys college Ludhiana and now working as a sales manager in a reputed co. called SMG in Chandigarh. In a weekend meeting he recalls two of his sales marketing employees to submit their report on monthly sales production which is lying on the table. Soon he reads the report and saw that the sale production has increased as compared to the last month, he applauded their performances and also praised their work which leads to increase the co. performance and he further also encourages or motivates them to perform much better than this because he knows that they are the best employees of the company. so by receiving the appreciation both the employee were very happy.

  51. Raghav is a school teacher in MKV School, raniganj.There were two bright students of class 12th came up to him and asked him about the preparation of their board examinations in which they are going to appear next week.Raghav suggested them that both of dont worry much, just stick to your strenghts, revise as much as you can and dont try too much new things. what you both know is enough for your examination, just make sure you both dont get panic during the examination and then they followed the same and get good results in their examination and came back to Raghav to thank him for his advices

  52. Prakher was a student of a well rputated school in his area. one day he saw his friend anuj who came to his school for taking admission but he failed in screening test of the school and there is no option except to go back to home. Prakher saw anuj and ask the reason behind his disappointment.Anuj told him everything then prakher take anuj to the the principle and request to. give him another chance and tim of one week for preparatio .principle accept their proposal and during preparation period of anuj ,prakhar was contineiuzly help him with his studies, and also inspire him and after one week anuj pass his screenig test very effectively and also got a messege that we can achieve anything by contineous hardwork

  53. rajeev and shivam are first year students of engineering .They are good friends and have common interest and goals of being a army officer.They always wanted to be part of NCC but as it was not in their college ,so they decide and approached their director to intitiate for starting NCC in their institute .Their director was well impressed by their seriousness to acheive their goals and good initiative.later NCC officials were approached by college authorities and it was started .which will be helpful for other students too.

  54. Rohan and Stephen are two good students of their School.After two days Mr. President will come to visit their school as chief guest.So school's principal called Rohan and Stephen for giving speech on women empowerment on that day.Principal gave them idea how to prepare the speech.They prepared and gave their best on the speech on women empowerment and awarded by the Mr President.

  55. Kamal and Raman are persuing their engineering for KLM university bengelore. Both are working relentlessly on a mini UAV project for about an year . But due to financial constraints they had to halt their projects in the middle. So they approached the dean of the university in this matter.They tried to convince dean for supporting them and providing funds for the UAV Seeing the hard work and effort put in by both of them dean was convinced and allocated fund for their project. With the cooperation of other faculty members and self determination they finally made it to the list of winners . This drone also caught the attention of DRDO and get recognition both of them were applauded as the valuable asset of university.

  56. Ravi had done his Msc physics hons and tried his best to get a reputed rank in civil services. He was working in accordance with it but all of a sudden a major turning point came in his life and that was that his family had to face a great paucity of money and that's why he could not continue his preparation. So in order to afford two time meal for his family he abandoned his aspirations and hold on a post of teacher in a private school. During his teachings he would usually endorse his students about the importance of civil services and their indomitable status. Once he came across two brothers who belonged to a family with a poor background. Having seen their plight he was moved by and one day he summoned two of them in his office. He talked with them and asked about their aspirations. He was taken aback having heard about their ambitions. Even after belonging to a family with a pitiable background both of them want to join civil services. Evidently there was a great confidence in their explanations. This incident reminded ravi of his old days but he decided not to let any misconduct happened with the aspirations of those students. So he decided to render every possible help to those students. He appealed to principal to give them concession and gave them coaching considerably at a lower cost. Both of them were also fully dedicated towards their study. Eventually their hard work brought good fruit to them. They both not only cleared exam but their was in list of toppers. Ravi was now contented with his humane act. They both were pretty thankful to Ravi.

  57. Kapil and Sachin are head boys of their school gave report of the performance of school to the inspection team head. Inspection officer ask several questions about the environment and education level of the school. They answered all the questions in a positive manner. Which creates a great impression on inspection officer and he felt satisfied with the performance of the boys and school.

  58. Amrit and Rohit are studying in a institute in Delhi. They both are very worried about the risisng pollution level. They decided to make a eco friendly vehicle modle. They worked hard day and night,researched on many points and finally prepared the model. They went to their college head and had shown their work. COllege head was going through their research and work between the lines. He was very happy and feeling proud for both of them. He decided to get sponsors for the model to bring it on road. He was very happy that Amrit and Rohit was very much concerned about environment ang growing pollution. He congratulated both of them and they were feeling proud.
