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Practice Image 9: A PPDT story on Car Accident Scene

Guys this PPDT image is sent to me by one of my Friend Shailedra Rajput, he was following me since one month and was preparing for his SSB Interivew . He writes really well and i appreciate his work. This image consist of a negative scene where ill women is shown and see how he has made his PPDT story as postive. you can also read my last post : Sample PPDT story on a ill Women Scene.

Sample PPDT image of Car Accident Scene with Story
PPDT/TAT image of Car-Cycle Accident Scene

Recommended PPDT Story:

Suresh is an engineer and is going with his secretary for his office work and was already late for his site work, on the way while he was driving he met with an accident, he hit the school boy coming from his left, crowds gathered around his car, leaving his thought about his work he immediately took the boy into the car rush him to the hospital and he admitted his crime to the police that he was driving fast as he was getting late for his work and felt guilty and promised himself will not do it again. Soon the School Student get fit.

Also Read:

Negative PPDT Picture: A Car Accident Scene

By Deepak Tomar →

3 Best PPDT stories for Practice: 3 PPDT Images set

Guys this PPDT image is sent to me by one of my Friend Shailedra Rajput, he was following me since one month and was preparing for his SSB Interivew . He writes really well and i appreciate his work. I have uploaded a series of PPDT sample Images with Story for Practice you can refer to my previous stories for better Practice. here i am uploading three images which are mostly asked in PPDT round of SSB. Practice more and more PPDT images for best results.

PPDT Image 1: PPDT story on a Tonga Accident scene.

Sample PPDT image of accident scene with story
Sample PPDT image of accident Scene

Sample PPDT Story: 

Sanjay is a school boy of class 9,he was on his way to school when he saw a speeding maruti car is moving on a road got collided with rickshawala which was coming from front,the car instead of stopping tried to escape from the accident area, sanjay immediately noted down the car number,called for ambulance and gave the number to nearby police station,with the information given by sanjay police track down the driver and sanjay was awarded and praised for his work.

PPDT Image 2: PPDT image of River bank Scene with recommended Image

Sample PPDT story:

Arun lives in a small village in maharastra,he along with his friends decided to go the riverside of their nearby village, it was morning time and all of them were enjoying, run then saw dead fishes lying along the bank of river, he went near the river and jumped into it, what he saw was unbelievable for him, the river water which is going to his village, which they are using for every purpose is being polluted by the nearby factory setup, he with his friends went to village sarpanch and informed about the threat and consequences. The result were in favor of arun and the industry discharge was banned into the river arun was praised by sarpanch for his work.

PPDT Image 3: Sample PPDT image of a person sitting on chair.

Sample PPDT image of person sitting on chair with story
Sample PPDT image of person sitting on chair

Sample Story:

Sonu is an design engineer and working for IKY solution, he has been assigned an project which should be completed within one week time, he is designing a fuel efficient car, sonu is working late night in the offices so that work could be completed in stipulated time, he does not even have the time to sleep, he sleeps while in sitting postion,the work load had put him down but he keep himself motivated by thinking the fact that he has ability to design the fuel efficient car, after completion of his work within time he showed the presentation and design to his boss, boss was very happy with his work and promoted him and awarded him.

Also Read:

How to Write Good PPDT Story: 3 Sample Images with Positive Stories

By Deepak Tomar →


Hello everyone, this is an Sample PPDT practice set on A WOMAN IS WEEPING AND A CHILD IS STOPPING HER . This is a part of PPDT Practice set , which may come across during your SSB Psychological TAT or on SSB Screening PPDT. I have also uploaded many sample psychological PPDT and TAT stories for your preparation earlier. Practice more and more for better practice.

Sample PPDT images for SSB Interview
PPDT Sample Image

Sample PPDT / TAT Story for SSB Interview

The husband of Farzana was killed while fighting with the terrorists in the outskirt of Srinagar . In the picture we see that she is weeping and expressing sorrow during funeral procession of her husband. At the same time she is making her mind to plan for self-employment as her husband was the only earning member in the family .She knew that there was a provision of financial assistance to the dependents of deceased persons, who sacrificed their live in fighting with terrorists. She already possessed some knowledge about the knitting of Kashmiri shawls, one of the reputed and job oriented institutes. On completion of successful training she came out with adequate knowledge about the latest designs of the shawls. She got financial assistance from state Government. She started a small industry near the market after employing the skilled and efficient staff who could work fast in the industry as per her guidance. Farzana could manage better quantity, quality and designs of the shawls. She also arranged necessary publicity about the product through the electronic and the print media. The demand of the product increased in the market day by day. Farzana could succeed in establishing and enlarging the industry within a few years, enhancing her standard of living and image in the society, providing jobs to numerous youths. Looking after her children nicely and also providing good education to them she led a self -dependent, respectable and happy life. 
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By Deepak Tomar →

 SSB PSYCHOLOGY TEST: Sample PPDT Story for Practice

 Hello everyone, this is an Sample PPDT practice set on A Woman demonstrating tennis  . This is a part of PPDT Practice set , which may come across during your SSB Psychological TAT or on SSB Screening PPDT. I have also uploaded many sample psychological PPDT and TAT stories for your preparation earlier. Practice more and more for better practice.

Psychological test in SSB INterview: PPDT Story

Sample PPDT  practice story:

Bina was a renowned tennis player due to her remarkable career record. She had won a number of titles during her illustrious career. Bina was highly experienced and possessed great technique of the game. She therefore, established coaching institute after her retirement to train the enterprising youths of the country. Her ultimate aim was to produce players who had the potential to represent India in the forthcoming Olympics. Hence She motivated the candidates and also trained them in specific technical aspects and the most noteworthy areas of tennis. Her coaching was extremely strategic to put psychological strong hold on the opponents through their best performance. Seeing the standard of the passed out candidates of her academy, the reputation of her academy got enhanced tremendously and hence better candidates joined her for coaching. Now was the opportunity for Bina to prepare players for the Olympics team . With her hard work, dedication and skill, she produced a good team which performed very well in the Olympics. This gave deep pleasure and satisfaction to Bina. There was a remarkable contribution of Bina to bring India into limelight in international Tennis.

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By Deepak Tomar →

Sample PPDT Story n a Person Sitting Near his ill Mother

Guys this PPDT image is sent to me by one of my Friend Shailedra Rajput, he was following me since one month and was preparing for his SSB Interivew . He writes really well and i appreciate his work. This image consist of a negative scene where ill women is shown and see how he has made his PPDT story as postive.

PPDT story on ill woman scene: Sample story
PPDT/TAT image of a ill women

Recommended Story:

Ram is student studying class 9, her mother last week underwent an operation and doctors have suggested to do bed rest for at least one week, and he is alone in the house with his mother. Seeing the situation he stopped going to school and sent an application letter through his friend for the leave as he has so many responsibilities in the house, giving medicines to his mother at the correct time, make food his mother, washing clothes etc, due to shear dedication towards his mother, his mother recovered her health within few days and she was really happy to have a son like him.

Also Read:

PPDT Story on a Person Sitting Near his ill Mother: Practice Set 8

By Deepak Tomar →

How to Write a PPDT/TAT story on a Robbery Scene: Practice Image

Guys this PPDT image is sent to me by one of my Friend Shailedra Rajput, he was following me since one month and was preparing for his SSB Interivew . He writes really well and i appreciate his work. I have uploaded a series of PPDT sample Images with Story for Practice you can refer to my previous stories for better Practice. This image consist of a car scene with a thief(a robbery scene), read how to make a positive story on such Images.

How to write a PPDT story on Robbery scene
PPDT/TAT image: Robbery Scene

Sample PPDT/TAT story:

Mohit is an army officer, he went out for a movie with his friends during the liberty granted to him, after coming out of the theater while he was about to sit in his car ,he heard someone an old lady shouting thief thief running, he saw the thief running by passing his car, he along with his friend chased the thief through a distance but the thief could not make it long and finally got over him handed him to the police and returned the baggage to the old lady, and told the lady to be careful next time,he and his friends was praised by his training officer.

What makes PPDT/TAT story good:

helping nature, social worker, courageous work

Also Read:

Sample PPDT/TAT story on Robbery scene: A Negative Image

By Deepak Tomar →

PPDT Sample Story Set 11: PPDT story on playground Scene

Guys this PPDT image is sent to me by one of my Friend Shailedra Rajput, he was following me since one month and was preparing for his SSB Interivew . He writes really well and i appreciate his work. I have uploaded a series of PPDT sample Images with Story for Practice you can refer to my previous stories for better Practice. This image consist of scene where some students are playing in playground with similar uniform.

sample PPDT/TAT story on playground Scene
PPDT/TAT Image on playground Scene

Sample PPDT/TAT Story:

Rana is a captain of football team representing mechanical in his college, due to failure in the last match played Rana along with his team mates practices daily during evening hours 2 hours daily, giving practices of how to dodge a ball, how to defend a goal, how and when to pass, improving the stamina of players. During the match competition with the electrical department team Rana motivated confidence of his players and reminded them of their practices Rana too well played during the match and finally won the trophy and being awarded as the best captain.

What makes PPDT story Good:

motivation, practice to achieve goal, team work

Also Read:

How to write a PPDT story on Some players playing in Playground

By Deepak Tomar →