Who is responsible for crime against Women? AND What we should Do?
Crime against Womens In India |
Is it your SSB interview time now, then be prepared for some hot GD and Lecturette Topics like this, they may ask yor for a GD or Lecturette on crime against womens in India. Prepare for this guys from this post.
a) Male dominated Society
b) Western Influence
c) Lack of Awareness
Our civilization taught us to respect women. We have been taught from our child hood to respect our sister and mother. Yet newspapers are full of many types of crime against women. Headline of yesterday, news of today, two girls Nisha Sharma and Farzana stood boldly against the demands of dowry from their respective in laws. Saying no just before marriage has stopped the crime against them. Timely step has saved them. But what about all other Nisha Sharma and Farzana.
A big question, who is responsible for crime against women. Male dominance is there but along with it there is lack of education and poverty. Women are themselves unaware of their rights and laws framed to protect them against different exploitation and crimes. Recent trends show that there is increase in the crimes, but on a positive note number of them have been stopped due to awareness and reports made to police. Human Rights Violation against women and also home violence is been taken up seriously. Government and NGOs are working to frame programmes and plan to deal with all these problems.
Male Dominated society
In our country male has dominated the women throughout. The crime against women starts even before she is born. If the parents come to know that the child is likely to be a girl they plan for an abortion. She is discriminated in education and providing food and cloth. After marriage she is forced to change her name. She is physically abused and forced into flesh trade. A former Miss Bangalore who was arrested from a five star hotel is a latest case of male abuse of women, which made sensational headline. Earlier we lived in big joint families, the elders in some ways protected the women. However due to the concept of nuclear families coming in today we are now more exposed to crime. In our society the parents feels happy when a son tells them that he has girlfriends. But the same becomes hostile when their daughter tells that she has a boy friend.
Western Awareness
Every country has its own customs and culture. Of late others have influenced us. The women today wear Jeans and Skirts in a big way. It is primarily because they feel more comfortable in these dresses. Can you imagine today women running in sari trying to catch a DTC bus. But in smaller cities however the western influence is marginal. Moreover when it comes to marriage the most modem girls like to wear saris. In Western families the only precaution they take is that the girl should be careful and not comeback late in the night. They should be accompanied by parents & avoid strangers and excessive drinks. Our culture has taught us to respect women. Then how come when we see a girl in jeans and skirts we feel she is a loose-charactered woman.
Lack of Awareness
After the dowry cases in our country were reported w hen many women died, the government had made very strong rules and the culprits were also punished to death. Today the law says "no safai, no gawahi". If any dowry case is reported the culprit is straight away put behind bars. The Ex Police Commissioner of Delhi Police had once praised the Women of Delhi, who had come forward to report the crime committed against them. He said when these crimes are reported only then the govt & the parliament can make rules in support of the women & these rules will help 100's and 1000's of illiterate women who are not educated enough to report these crimes. No wonder our Home Minister is already talking ofgiving death sentence to the rapists.
Deepak Tomar
I'm Deepak Tomar. I have completed my M.Tech in Computer Science and now i am working as a Govt. Employee in UP Police, I Love to help others and making friends, you can connect to me on facebook for any help- I will be happy to help you .
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