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Final Group Task (FGT): Practice Set 1

Hello aspirants, Final Group task is the last test in GTO Testing. In this article we will be provide some practice tips for Final Group Task if you want to read more about the FGT please read my previous article here.

Practice Session for FGT SSB Interview
Practice Session for FGT SSB Interview

Practice Session Final Group Task SSB:

  • The group is supposed to maintain all the rules and regulations as mentioned in previous Progressive group tasks.
  • The tie to complete the task is at premium and the group should be swift enough to complete the task.
  • The candidate should perform well in this task by giving intellectual ideas and go over the obstacles as the complete group in the shortest possible time.
  • The group with the helping material and the load is required to go over the start line and culminate the task at the finish line.
  • Any infringement by the candidates will force the group to restart the process again.
  • This is the last task in the GTO series and those students who have not performed well in the ground task get a last opportunity to perform over the task
  • All the students should endevour to perform well from the first task to ninth task and lay claim toward selection.
Also Read:

GTO Test: Practice Session for Final Group Task

By Deepak Tomar →

Final Group Task in SSB Intetview: Tips and Practice Session

Hello aspirants, Final Group task is the last test in GTO Testing. In this article we will be providing the introduction of Final Group task, How to take FGT in SSB and useful tips for Final Group Task in SSB Interview. So go threw the whole article carefully.

Introduction to Final Group Task:

Final Group Taskin SSB: Intro & Tips
Final Group Task: Intro & Tips
The last task of the series of Ground Task is called the Final Group Task. GTO exposes the students to FGT. Those students do not perform well between PGT/HGT/CT should show endeavor to improve in the FGT, though it is a belated action. The final look at the students is taken by the GTO. Though last minute performance is not going to help, yet there is always room for improvement at any stage. Remember, rules, regulations, and limitations are the same as applicable to other ground tasks.

Objective of Final Group Task at SSB Interview:

This is the last task at the SSB.  Already before this task the GTO will note down and choose the candidate based on performance in their previous tasks.  So it is also a last chance for the candidates to show up their qualities.  Even some candidates may get a few chances to prove in PGT.  So those candidates should use this to prove their leadership qualities.
It is also a PGT, but in PGT, the group has to cross four obstacles.  Here in the FGT, we have to cross only one.  So all should be fast in their decisions to work out their plans.

Tips for Final Group Task (FGT):

All the rules, principles and instructions are same as that of Progressive Group Task (PGT).
Things to follow at Final Group Taks (FGT):-
1) Never look at the GTO while doing the tasks.
2) Give a good idea to the group if you don’t know any idea just help the idea givers truthfully.
3) Never violate the rules it is the basic of GTO tasks, and in case if you violate the rule, just repeat the task.
4) Be an active participant in the team by giving your full cooperation.
5) Be positive in your views i.e. take consideration about other members ideas if it is finer than yours.

GTO Test: Final Group Task (Introduction & Tips)

By Deepak Tomar →

GTO Test  SSB: CT in SSB Interview

Hello readers, i have written many articles on GTO Testing in SSB and Command Task is one of the GTO Test conducted in SSB Interview. Like other tests it is also a Important test and a prior knowledge will be helpful in doing this task.

What is Command Task in SSB: An Introduction

Command Task in SSB interview: GTO Test
Command Task in SSB interview: GTO Test
In command Task, each student is made as a commander of one particular task. The tasks are allotted as per the merits of the students depending on the degree of difficulty. Those students who have been consistent and practical in performance are allotted difficult task as compared to other lot of students who have just been passengers when the task, was being performed. The GTO gives an opportunity to each student by making him Commander of on task. GTO explains the task like PGT, HGT. After carefully briefing the students the GTO conducts the task serially or at random as deemed fit to conduct the students over the task. Each student made as commander, is permitted to call two of his sub-ordinates to help him over the task as helpers. These helpers, when called are not allowed to do anything without seeking permission from the commander. The commander is the ultimate authority to execute the task. Ideas utilized should be meaningful and practical. More number of complex ideas should be given to seek selection. Generally 15 to 20 minutes is utilized in completing the task. 

Conduct of the SSB Command Task (CT):

SSB Command task (CT) is a part of the confirmatory series of the Group Testing Technique in SSB Interview. It allows the GTO to focus on an individual apart from the usual group formation. The SBB Command Task (CT) is conducted on second day of the GTO series.
The whole group is seated at a distant location away from the vicinity of the testing area. Each individual is then called upon one by one and given a task. The GTO now calls the individual in any numerical order and proudly makes him the ‘Commander’. He then exchanges casual talks and pleasantries to make the aspirant feel at ease.

Points to be kept in Mind while Performing Command Task (CT):

  1. Always remember what you have told the interviewer
  2. Do not say anything against your PIQ form
  3. I will advice you not to say welcome words like good morning because you have already wished him in the morning. However if you feel its after noon you can once say Good afternoon.
  4. Always keep your hands at the back and stand in relax(Vishram postion) while answering to GTO.
In Command task you will be checked with suitability in two role.

Role as Commander:

You are made as commander so be like that but don’t put your hands in pocket and just pass the orders. Your skill regarding men and material management will be judged. Make your subordinate work hard but you are also required to work; you need to work with team spirit. Cheer your subordinate and keep motivating them, praise their good work and also if you find they are not doing something accordingly then calmly point them and correct them. You must make full use of your subordinate but in a Gentleman’s way.

Role as Subordinate

As a Subordinate you are there to assist your commander and follow his instruction, you are not required to give any advice or speak without commander’s permission. Don’t take any step without your commander’s order or against his will.

Also Read:

Introduction to Command Task in SSB: With examples

By Deepak Tomar →


SSB Progressive Group Task (SSB PGT) is the most important and interesting task of the GTO series. As the name indicates, prima facie, it is a progressive group task. In my previous articles you can find more about how SSB Progressive Group Task (SSB PGT) is conducted or Rules of Progressive Group Task  (SSB PGT). But in this article we will learn some more details about Progressive Group Tasks in SSB.

Progressive Group Task in SSB
Progressive Group Task in SSB

What exactly needs to be done in SSB Progressive Group Task (SSB PGT)? 

  • Respect your group members. It is sure, you will earn respect too. Discuss your ideas with them. Have their word of consent. If someone is giving a good idea, make sure you appreciate it and get it implemented. Take my words. It’s all about Espirit De Corps, my friends.
  • There is no hurry. Get it straight into your mind. The GTO may put pressure, but you should remain calm and relaxed. He is only testing your group’s reaction to pressure and distractibility. It’s not the quantity of work that matters, but quality. Two or three obstacle tasks cleared in P.G.T in a good manner are much better than all five cleared in a haphazard
  • Take initiative. As P.G.T progresses, the leaders will start emerging out their own. Let your till now rusty feet step ahead and take the challenge in hand. Give your ideas in a polite way. Convince and give reasons for your ideas. Don’t worry at all, if all of your ideas are not implemented. Also, they need not to be. Two or three ideas given by you are more than enough or even if at least one idea gets implemented. It’s your attitude that matters, and not the altitude of ideas. For rest of the time, help and contribute in the
  • Encourage, if possible, other members of the group who are a bit hesitant in coming Show keenness and interest. Be lively and enjoy the task rather than showing your OLQ’s. Leave it to the assessor to see what   he wants, while you do your bit. Achieving the group goal is important here and your contribution to it is under assessment.
  • Try and optimize your performance. ‘Once you feel that you have given your contribution, take time to receive ideas from others and get them executed’. We constantly give and  receive ideas from others in a group, this being scientifically proven. When we have some  ideas and views in our mind, we are at  a  higher potential, as this is a form of energy. And, according to Second Law of Thermodynamics, energy is only transferred from one form to another. Rather, here I  would say from one person to another. It is a natural process. But, we don’t stop to listen and continue giving our opinion, thus violating the Thermodynamic equilibrium. Just imagine?
  • Please never try to deliberately display the OLQ’s because, unfortunately, you cannot! Whatever traits that you possess, won’t hide themselves from coming out for too long. You cannot stay neutral; some action along with a behavioral pattern has to come either as an action or reaction. Action and reaction, both are projective in their nature, neither they are subjective nor an objective one. In behavioral psychology, whatever you are trying to show  in deliberation is interpreted and termed as ‘exaggeration’. And it is established that, whenever someone is exaggerating something, that something is not actually present in that person. Your eyes and your body language never change to exaggeration. As a result, the person is putting extra efforts to show it off. As the famous philosopher Grouch Marx once  said “There’s one way to find out if a man is  Honest – ask him. If he says ‘Yes’, you know he’s a crook”.
  • Keep the Savoir Faire and maintain yourself in control. Learn to control your emotions. When you keep on shouting your views and paying no heed to what others are trying to convey, you are disturbing the thermodynamic equilibrium. It’s a bit difficult to achieve patience, but not It’s never too late to improve oneself in life. The wish to do well should be accompanied by a will to do well.
  • Establish and maintain a good rapport within your group. We are all strangers from different parts of the country and will be together for five days of testing. We all are here for our individual selection. Who knows, if we  all get to meet each other in the future or not? So, why should anyone fight or quarrel with the group? Enjoy the moments of your stay at the centre. Stop performing! Start enjoying the SSB.

Your Personality Profile SSB Progressive Group Task for PGT 

  • Do you adapt yourself to social environment and adjust well with persons and social groups with special reference to superiors, equals and subordinates?
  • Have you ever tried to put yourself in another man’s position so as to appreciate justifiable difficulties, to enable rendering of help in a proper way?
  • Have you ever tried to understand and manage the feelings of a person that you have dealt with?
  • Do you show keenness and interest in helping others and in service towards others?
  • Do you participate willingly in harmony with others, when in a group and try to achieve the group goal?
  • Whom do you give preference to, collective effort or individual effort, when working together in a group?
  • Do you feel the spirit of team when you are in a team?
  • Are you loyal to aim of the group and subordinate your individual aim to the group aim?
  • Do you take initiative to do your best in carrying out even unspecified and probably unforeseen duties and obligations rather than faithfully carry out what you are told to do?
  • Are you selfish in your motives and obstruct the passage of others while in a group?

Also Read:

(SSB PGT) – Progressive Group Task for SSB Interview

By Deepak Tomar →
We are updating this Section, our experts working day and night to update this content and this will be available till 12/01/2017.

Till Then enjoy reading other material.

Thanks for having patience and remember patience Give results.

Material To be Updated:

  • PRO SSB GTO Test
  • PRO WAT Words 
  • PRO TAT Practice Sets (30 Sets)
  • PRO PI Tips

Coming Soon....:)

By Deepak Tomar →