SSB topic - In present nuclear environment what should india do?

About to appear in SSB interview and looking for hot SSB group discussion topics? Nuclear policy in India is the currently hot Group discussion topic and it may be asked in Lecturette also. Check out complete information on India's future in present nuclear environment topic for SSB interviews.

a) Go fully nuclear
b) Sign CTBT
c) Maintain Present Policy

There are 5 nuclear powers in the World- These are USA, USSR, France, England and China. They in 1968 signed the NPT. The main issue being that they were the 5 nuclear powers and executive group of countries and no other country could enter this exclusive group. They were fully armed with nuclear weapons and they also understood the destruction that it could cause to the world.

Hence they thought of disarmament and floated the idea of CTBT in which by the end of this century all countries of the world were asked to prove that they would not make any nuclear weapons. More than 137 countries have signed CTBT. However, 3 countries that were called the threshold countries i.e., India, Pakistan and Israel have not signed the CTBT as their neighbours militarily threatened their existence.
Go fully nuclear. India carried out its 1st nuclear test in 1974 & it was followed by 5 more test in May 98. The device exploded in Pokhran were fission device, low yields device & thermo nuclear device. In a way today our nuclear capability is totally complete. Whatever data or test needs to be done we can easily do through computer simulation. Indira Gandhi way back in 1974 had said that the cost of 1 ICBM was equivalent to making 3 lakhs 40 thousand schools. We had to spend this money because of our strained relations with Pak & China. Moreover, China was a Nuclear Power. To give peace a chance we need to be strong.


After India carried out the nuclear explosive in May 1998, America & its allies imposed economic sanctions on us. The effect of these sanctions was hard on Pak. However, the effect on India was not \ ery severe. From the last one year Pak is being supported by Arab world so much that they have been getting free petrol from Saudi Arabia. Nawaz Sharrif has been request in Pakistanis that settled abroad to send money and also imposed 15% sale tax on all goods sold which was later withdrawn because of public agitation. However it was later renamed as "Allahtax" as his government was in very bad economic state. In India, however, the position is not so bad as we are largely a self-reliant country.  Infact our economy has lately become quite healthy. Stock markets are going up, foreign exchange has reached all time high of $60 billion. The effect may come in big projects of infrastructure development, which were being financed by World Bank, IMF, Tokyo Bank and Asian Banks.

Maintain Present Policy

The estimate of nuclear weapons held by USA is 8711, Russia 6833, France 524, Britain 200 and China 450. In India, today we have 65 nuclear weapons. We have also made a draft nuclear policy. In the history of mankind the USA, in the Second World War has used only 2 nuclear bombs when they dropped a bomb each on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The result was that the Japanese surrendered when the II world War ended. Our PM has said that he is willing to sign the CTBT.  Infact during the last one month or so the USA government is also pressuring us to sign CTBT. However, politically our country today is not in a position to take any decisions. This issue can only be settled after the new government comes into power. The USA Senate has not ratified the CTBT, which was a big blow to the Clinton administration and the group advocating signing of CTBT by the countries of the world. And as the largest democracy of the world, our leaders will take the best decision by keeping the national and international interest in mind.

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Deepak Tomar

I'm Deepak Tomar. I have completed my M.Tech in Computer Science and now i am working as a Govt. Employee in UP Police, I Love to help others and making friends, you can connect to me on facebook for any help- I will be happy to help you .

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