Now a days we face various problems related to exam paper Leaks in India and problem faced because of it, this post is related to Reasons for exam paper leaks, this is important topic can be asked in Interview or in Group Discussion.

(a)    Parents
(b)   Students
(c)    System

We have heard of scams and rackets like Bofors, Chara Ghotala, Stamp Papers, and Tehelka Scam. All these scams and scandals have indeed shaken the faith of common citizen of our country. There had been talks of corrupt practices in educational institutions for quite a long period. Various cases of leak age of papers and other malpractices in schools and colleges have been reported in the past. But the system and the dragon of corruption and unethical practices have eaten up the machinery like mite. The problem that needs to be addressed is the leakage of important question papers one after another of prestigious exams like the CBSE-PMT, CBSE board and CAT papers etc. it is a cruel joke with the future of the deserving candidates. It leads to dissatisfaction and apathy for the system amongst them. It is an evil in our society and a blot as far as Indian system is concerned. So is it the parents, student, or system or a nexus of all the three responsible for the evil? Who is to be blamed?


    Parents want the best for the children and some parents want to fulfill their aspiration through the children. If a child is intelligent he finds his way and settles down in his career despite stiff competition. But what about the average students? For example. A doctor who runs a nursing home will like his son to join him as he needs more hands. When he realize that his son cannot become a doctor on his own he is tempted to short circuit the system. Ranjit Don and Verma, the brain, behind the various paper leaks, have revealed some of the rich and famous parents who were willing to pay 15-20 lakhs to secure a seat for their wards in prestigious college and institutions. The point is that rich and famous parents are more prone to indulge in these practices purely because they have a high paying capacity. In the bargain, parents and students of average financial background suffer. Parents must understand the capability of their child and groom him according to his talents and capabilities. The emphasis must be to develop a well-balanced personality to become a good citizen. Going again the capabilities of a child is like filling a square peg in a round hole.


     There is tremendous pressure on students to excel and make their family proud. The pressure from within the family and success stories of peer group influences the mind of the child. The success rate of most competitive examination is 0.2 – 0.3 %. The wastage rate is very high and a child is in a catch -22 situation. Despite putting hard work and spending his parent’s money in coaching institutions, when a child does not make the grade he gets a wee bit dejected and gets impatient to find an early solution to his problem. This is the age, stage and time when he may get tempted to approach brokers to assist him in climbing the ladder of success. The parents must watch, guide and motivate their child at this juncture of their life so that they do not falter. The fruits of success earned through labor are sweet. Someone had rightly said an easy way is simple to find but does not go far. A difficult way is hard to get but takes you fair.


         A system is made by competent authority to give an equal platform and playfield to all concerned. Our education department has drafted watertight system for conduct of various competitive examinations. However from time to time this system is penetrated and it needs revision. Earlier, only one paper was made for a certain competitive exam. When reports were received on mass copying, the system made 4/5 sets of question paper so that two students sitting on adjoining table in an examination hall did not receive the same paper. When reports of impersonation were received the candidates, photograph was embossed on his admit card.

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Deepak Tomar

I'm Deepak Tomar. I have completed my M.Tech in Computer Science and now i am working as a Govt. Employee in UP Police, I Love to help others and making friends, you can connect to me on facebook for any help- I will be happy to help you .