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Hello SSB Aspirants, this is an Sample PPDT practice set on A BIG QUEUE IN EMPLOYMENT EXCHANGE. This is a part of PPDT Practice set , which may come across during your SSB Psychological TAT or on SSB Screening PPDT. I have also uploaded many sample psychological PPDT and TAT stories for your preparation earlier. Practice more and more for better practice.
Sample PPDT / TAT Story
Manoj saw a long queue in an employment exchange. He knew that people were struggling for the jobs. Many of them were getting the jobs very late. Manoj was aware about the policies of the Government for disinvestment and privatization of various public sector undertakings, which caused further reduction in the government jobs. He assessed the situation and decided to open a good school, where he could make a good use of his skill and managerial aptitude. Manoj took loan to arrange for the school building and required infrastructure to run the school up to XII class initially. He appointed the competent teachers and gave publicity about the school. He got good response. Manoj also started job oriented computer training as compulsory from the coming years, which also attracted quite a good number of students to join. He also ensured good facilities, studies, standard and effective management in the school to develop the traits of personality of students and make them potential to compete any leading examinations. His expectation became true. Many students cleared leading competitions, which enhanced the reputation of the school even more. His school came up as a reputed school in that area. Manoj could establish a good self-employment as well as his image in the society.
Hello SSB Aspirants, this is an Sample PPDT practice set on YOUTH EAGERLY WAITING TO WITNESS SOME ACTIVITY. This is a part of PPDT Practice set , which may come across during your SSB Psychological TAT or on SSB Screening PPDT. I have also uploaded many sample psychological PPDT and TAT stories for your preparation earlier. Practice more and more for better practice.
Sample PPDT / TAT Story for SSB Interview
Mohmood was MA final year student of Lahore university during the year 2006. He knew that Indian cricket team had reached Pakistan for forty days’ tour to play four one day matches and the test series. He was of the opinion that the relations between India and Pakistan could improve through peaceful manner. When the masses from both sides come closure through love and positive understanding. Mahmood also knew that the good relation of Pakistan with India and other neighbor countries was the need of the hour in view of the move of the world. He found a better chance to set up an example by mobilizing the opinion of the youth. To express their love and soft stand towards India and give a constructive message to both the countries. He impressed the students and other youth to witness the matches up to the maximum possible extent and also back up both the teams where the players demonstrate the good game.
Mahmood succeeded in organizing a good response from the students and other youngsters, who showed a good example and constructive attitude towards Indians. Their huge representation and actions in various matches sent a positive message not only to the people of India and Pakistan but also to the whole the world. Such demonstration of Pakistan youngsters helped to improve the relations drastically between the two countries.
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Hello everyone, this is an
Sample PPDT practice set on A SOLDIER IS CLIMBING UP . This is a part of
PPDT Practice set , which may come across during your SSB Psychological TAT or on SSB Screening PPDT.I have also uploaded many sample psychological
PPDT and TAT stories for your preparation earlier. Practice more and more for better practice.
Sample PPDT / TAT Story for SSB Interview
Pritam was a NCC cadet. He did well in many adventurous activities in NCC annual day celebration. He assessed that army was the best place for him, where he could do well and rise maximum. Pritam appeared at the UPSC and then SSB tests and got selected. His desire was to fight with enemy on the battle field. He thus opted for Infantry. After a year’s time of his posting to an infantry unit, the Kargil conflict started. As Pakistani soldiers entered into Indian territory with the intention to alter line of control and occupy the mountain heights in Kargil, Batalik and Drass sectors. The unit of Pritam was given task to eliminate the enemy from the top of Kargil mountain. Pritam briefed his men about the plan. He moved during night with required helping material to climb the mountain and carry weapons including ammunition to kill the enemy. Pritam attacked ferociously during midnight giving surprise to the enemy. And he along with his eliminated the enemy completely from that area. Pritam led his troop to the magnificent victory. Which gave also josh to entire company and Pritam led many such covert operations during entire Kargil conflict.
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Hello everyone, this is an Sample PPDT practice set on A WOMAN IS WEEPING AND A CHILD IS STOPPING HER . This is a part of PPDT Practice set , which may come across during your SSB Psychological TAT or on SSB Screening PPDT. I have also uploaded many sample psychological PPDT and TAT stories for your preparation earlier. Practice more and more for better practice.
PPDT Sample Image |
Sample PPDT / TAT Story for SSB Interview
The husband of Farzana was killed while fighting with the terrorists in the outskirt of Srinagar . In the picture we see that she is weeping and expressing sorrow during funeral procession of her husband. At the same time she is making her mind to plan for self-employment as her husband was the only earning member in the family .She knew that there was a provision of financial assistance to the dependents of deceased persons, who sacrificed their live in fighting with terrorists. She already possessed some knowledge about the knitting of Kashmiri shawls, one of the reputed and job oriented institutes. On completion of successful training she came out with adequate knowledge about the latest designs of the shawls. She got financial assistance from state Government. She started a small industry near the market after employing the skilled and efficient staff who could work fast in the industry as per her guidance. Farzana could manage better quantity, quality and designs of the shawls. She also arranged necessary publicity about the product through the electronic and the print media. The demand of the product increased in the market day by day. Farzana could succeed in establishing and enlarging the industry within a few years, enhancing her standard of living and image in the society, providing jobs to numerous youths. Looking after her children nicely and also providing good education to them she led a self -dependent, respectable and happy life.
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Hello SSB Aspirants, this is an Sample PPDT practice set on Lock out Scene in a mill. This is a part of PPDT Practice set , which may come across during your SSB Psychological TAT or on SSB Screening PPDT. I have also uploaded many sample psychological PPDT and TAT stories for your preparation earlier. Practice more and more for better practice.
PPDT STory for SSB Interview |
Sample PPDT / TAT Story for SSB Interview:
Barun was IIM, Ahmadabad passed MBA degree holder. He was a prominent manager in a company. The thread mill had been running in loss for a considerable period. The company was looking for an efficient manager. Barun was offered the post of General manager for efficient management and to make the company a profit earning enterprise . There was a challenge for Barun to improve the functioning of the company . He studied the situation and listed the causes of losses and chalked out the remedial measures to be taken in the order of precedence. Barun wanted essential modernization in the machinery , surplus staff was to be reduced through voluntary retirement. New staff having adequate experience and skill was to be appointed and maximum possible things were to be computerized . He did all these things within a few months .
The company was reinstated and also its functioning was improved. Since then the company could give better quality and quantities of its production to compete in the market. The company picked up reputation within a few years in domestic as well as global market. All the employees of the company felt happy. And also Barun was satisfied with his efforts.
Hello everyone, this is an Sample PPDT practice set on a man talking on telephone with someone . This is a part of PPDT Practice set , which may come across during your SSB Psychological TAT or on SSB Screening PPDT. I have also uploaded many sample psychological PPDT and TAT stories for your preparation earlier. Practice more and more for better practice.
Sample PPDT / TAT Story
It was the ambition of Shyam to fly an aeroplane and the glider, from his childhood. He knew that the said opportunity was available in NCC during training and thereby joining the air force. Shyam was impressed when he witnessed adventurous events demonstrated by the senior NCC cadets. Who were about to qualify their part ‘C’ certificate and on NCC day as well. Shyam, therefore, decided to join NCC and do well to achieve the goal. He did the training on all the aspects including para jumping, glider flying and other outdoor adventurous activities, and did well. He got opportunity to demonstrate all those activities on NCC annual day during 2006 . Shyam set up an example on the glider flying from one peak to another of the mountains which were horizontally situated adjacent to the ground. All the activities were quite perceptible by the eyes of the spectators, who enjoyed it a lot. After passing out the training and air force as a pilot and got through. He could prove himself a good pilot officer and fulfill his ambition, which he was carrying from his childhood. We see in the picture that Shyam is conveying the message about his success to his father and also his friends by telephone.
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Hello everyone, this is an Sample PPDT practice set on group of girls going to Seminar . This is a part of PPDT Practice set , which may come across during your SSB Psychological TAT or on SSB Screening PPDT. I have also uploaded many sample psychological PPDT and TAT stories for your preparation earlier. Practice more and more for better practice.
PPDT Test In SSB |
Sample PPDT / TAT Story for SSB Interview
There was a visit of president of India in Lucknow on 15 may, 2006 in one of the programmes. He was to visit Lilawati girls Degree College to attend a seminar on ‘Monuments and Heritage Buildings of the Country’. The principal of the college wanted Rita to deliver a lecture to the audience. Rita visited her college library and picked up the relevant books on the subject. In addition to that she also visited Ambedkar International Library of the city, from where she drew books on problems and possible solutions in conservation of monuments and heritage buildings. She studied the relevant points in the books and noted to make out the speech.
Rita prepared herself well by rehearsing the speech many times. Rita delivered the speech with a confidence on the topic. Also showing the necessity to treat as our duty the conservation of heritage buildings. She also included in her speech that future generation should admire those buildings. And also must take responsibility to contribute their efforts towards proper care and the maintenance of our cultural heritage. The speech of Rita was educative, clear and convincing. The audience appreciated Rita’s oration.
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Hello everyone, this is an Sample PPDT practice set on A BUILDING ON TOP OF STEEP ROCK . This is a part of PPDT Practice set , which may come across during your SSB Psychological TAT or on SSB Screening PPDT. I have also uploaded many sample psychological PPDT and TAT stories for your preparation earlier. Practice more and more for better practice.
Sample PPDT / TAT Story
Som was posted as a Deputy Commissioner District Nainital of Uttaranchal. Som possessed designing. His aim was to create attractive tourist places in Nainital to give attraction to domestics as well as foreign tourists. He knew that Nainital was already a tourists place. He wanted to increase tourists and the source of income for newly formed State. During his inspection of various places of Nainital , he observed a steep rock with good surroundings. He made up his mind to construct a beautiful sung retreat over the rock and beautify the base. He submitted his plan to State Government justifying the necessity, along with design of sung retreat , rods , necessity, along with design of sung retreat , roads, details of stairs right from base up-to the top and requirement to develop the surrounding area.
State Government accepted his proposal and also sanctioned the work and the necessary funds. Som got the work done on priority . The building facilities over there and the beauty of the surroundings boosted the importance of this familiar tourist place. The sung retreat, so built up came up as a monumental attraction for the tourists. It contained luxurious facilities to the tourists. Ans also it contained luxurious facilities to stay over there. that place became one of the famous tourist places of Uttaranchal. The popularity of that area gave satisfaction to Som as an outcome of his foresight and the planned efforts. That also inspired the state government to buildup similar monuments in its other district headquarters including Chandak and Pithorgarh, which also boosted tourist importance of newly formed Uttaranchal State.
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SSB PSYCHOLOGY TEST: Sample PPDT Story for Practice
Hello everyone, this is an Sample PPDT practice set on A Woman demonstrating tennis . This is a part of PPDT Practice set , which may come across during your SSB Psychological TAT or on SSB Screening PPDT. I have also uploaded many sample psychological PPDT and TAT stories for your preparation earlier. Practice more and more for better practice.
Sample PPDT practice story:
Bina was a renowned tennis player due to her remarkable career record. She had won a number of titles during her illustrious career. Bina was highly experienced and possessed great technique of the game. She therefore, established coaching institute after her retirement to train the enterprising youths of the country. Her ultimate aim was to produce players who had the potential to represent India in the forthcoming Olympics. Hence She motivated the candidates and also trained them in specific technical aspects and the most noteworthy areas of tennis. Her coaching was extremely strategic to put psychological strong hold on the opponents through their best performance. Seeing the standard of the passed out candidates of her academy, the reputation of her academy got enhanced tremendously and hence better candidates joined her for coaching. Now was the opportunity for Bina to prepare players for the Olympics team . With her hard work, dedication and skill, she produced a good team which performed very well in the Olympics. This gave deep pleasure and satisfaction to Bina. There was a remarkable contribution of Bina to bring India into limelight in international Tennis.
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