I JOJO CHANKAN JOSEPH presently doing final year in Bachelor of Electrical
& Electronics engineering in Nehru institute of Engineering and technology,
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu .I love to do social works by organising blood camps,
making aware of political scenario to my friends. Earlier in 2011 I wrote NDA
because of compulsion of my grandpa who is Halvidar in Indian Territorial Army.
I’m not interested in joining armed forces because I saw how my grandma feels bad
about grandpa when he took adventure in life.so,because of his compulsion and
with no interest I wrote NDA cleared written exam ,appeared ssb –bhopal ,got
recommended ,went medical test got fit for all forces but funny things happened
around me.in merit list my name is not appeared,I understand I’m merited out. Then
in 2011 I joined engineering college with full interest in electrical subject.
SSB Interview Experiance of JOJO |
In 2012, I came to hear
about 26/11 attack which happened on 2008, I heard about Maj.sandeepunnikrishnan/NSG,
Kerala who dedicated his young life for India. Then on 15 June 2013,uttarahand
flood occurs ten days after , on June 25 ,Indian air force pilot officer
Praveen Kumar dies in rescue operation he is from Madurai district Tamilnadu. I
was thinking “Y this young men age 22-30 ,dedicating his life for mother
country .I was little confused too. Suddenly on August 14 2013 INS sindhurashak got sunk in Mumbai
dockyard 11 officer died 7 missed following on feb 04 2014 INS sindhuratna got
sunk near Mumbai. On moral ground Admiral D.K.Joshi resigned his chief of naval
staff rank. I was thinking a man of high post resigned in name of moral
grounds. Fromfeb 2014 I goggled I learned value of officer like qualities from many
site,result of that is now I’m frequent visitor of ssb, 26*7*365 dreaming stars
,uniformed life.
Coming to my
experience in which I recently had in 12-SSB, Bangalore on march 15 2015. I need to
share many points to readers. Earlier after NDA I went attended Afcat exam in
2014, cleared attended 2-AFSB, but
conference out. When I’m in pre-final year I applied UES-24 in Indian army
screened out in campus interview itself. Then in month of June 2014 I applied
for UES-15 in Indiannavy, attended campus interview on sep 28 2014,cleared.
I thank to
”JayendraPratapsingh’,a good mentor of mine ,will reply in 24*7 around the
clock motivates me like dad. His words are like cement to build carrier in
uniformed life. I also thank brave “Tashi Mishra “ for her informative blogs.
So from sep 28 2014,I prepared to face ssb.
First tool:
Self Introspection: I’ll talk to myself in mirroreveryday,
address myself as leiutant officer. Searched for weak point worked on weak areas.
I stop working on my failures which I usually do. Now started working on
understanding OLQ: yes, I goggled all.i took not as information.
But I changed personality like an gentleman officer.
On feb 10 2015,I got a e-mail stating I nominated for 12SSB
Bangalore ,and I should report on march 15 2015..First I booked railway ticket
to Bangalore on march 14 then I prepared al certificates got attested from my principal.
Got advise from defence friends ,grandpa. Meanwhile I prepared story for TAT 12th
slide, SD. seriously without knowing ourselves v can’t able to become officer.
I wrote a honest SD.second by second I’m got full prepared for face SSB bold.purchased dress shoes for GTO task.
On march 14 2015,I boarded train at 8p.m From Coimbatore and
arrived at march 15 morning 7.20 a.m. Morning when I arrived in MCO one man came to
me enquired about “R u came to attend ssb?”, I said yes.then he said sir, use
railway dormitory we will charge only R.s100 till afternoon 2.30p.m . Since I
need to get refresh I accepted the deal stayed in dormitory till 2.30p.m. there
I searched for other aspirants. I got one Tamilnadu friend who did campus
interview with me. His name is Mahendran. we both had good talk ,early experience
of SSB. Meanwhile two Andhra ssb aspirant joined the discussion.we introduced ourselves
.we talked mainly on politics of Tamilnadu, division of telugana. I took got
good refreshment.at 2 p.m we all completed our lunch and went to report at MCO.
There me and Mahendra searched
for south Indians candidate no one we found. We two don’t know Hindi too.
Candidate around us talking mostly in Hindi. So, we introduced ourselves to a
group of west Bengal candidate. Really good ones. Name are as follows. Sandeep
,Adhityapatuuva ,Ashish ,Kaushik, Dallthi, sandeep searched for a partner to
have smoke. he asked me “wil u smoke?, I said big yes. We went railway premises
had a Classic cigar. Then our SSB bus took all of us to selection centre south.
It looks like ghost house, We were made sitted in large room. Ground duty staff addressed us in Hindi.
I can’t understand single line. Bengali friends translated to me and to mahendran. while
sitting in room we met another Tamil guy name Anbu. We all were asked to write
PIQ, ("Read Sample Filled PIQ form here") TA, Identification form. Friends, don’t took PIQ a fun, really it will change your life if u arer true in PIQ. 210 candidate reported for certificate verification
8 of candidate routed home on various issue. it took almost 5 hours to complete
certificate verification for all. Finally at 9 p.m we got our chest number mine
is 171. Mahendran 173. Anbu 175 bengali friends got in-between 130-140.we all
made friends easily. A south Indian Jojo, got friends from many states without
knowing single line in Hindi, Feels good.
Deputy President of SSB arrived took small lecture on Do’s &Do not’s
of SSB. teached me value of sense of responsibility, because many had skipped
their lunch before reporting. Mobile phones are surrendered.
At 10p.m we got well-furnished
room, we kept our belongings in our room kaushik, ashish, Pattuvasandeep, Dallthi, Anbu, Mahendran
stayed together. I’m the alarm for my room. Sandeep asked “jojobhai, can v smoke?,
I asked How ,he said wv can smoke man. so we opened the window me, sandeep, patuuva
smoked a classic pack. We all sang different language song and slept nice at 4a.m
I waked my roommates’ all dressed formal took two pens, went to mess at 5.30a.m
they provide us with bread, jam, butter, two egg, oats, banana, diary milk.
At 6.30a.m v went
testing room, officer made us to wait for 30minutes because of huge crowd of
202 candidate. Some of them slept in testing room for 30mint, at 7a.m we had OIR
test in two shift each 30minutes for 50marks each. Questions are so simple no
need of extra preparations. Then at 8a.m we allowed out for cup of tea. Then we came to testing room for PPDT TEST. Since my chest number is 171 I got seat only at
back of big room. Officer explained all procedures of ppdt..A picture is shown,
for me picture is very clear so that I can view at last. In picture a boy of
21years looks like doctor treating a lady. i developed a positive attitude story
with all my OLQ. Friends please write past,present,future of story with some stress
and hero overcoming stress but don't write superhero stories. Slide shown for
1minute , 30 second to write sex character mood gender. 4 minutes for writing stories.
After that we grouped into 15 candidate in each group.so from 170-185 chest
number sat with me in a single group. Everyone narrates their own stories in
different way. i did good narration with hero intro, present, future ,stress
,overcoming of stress,results of hero. when chest number 185 stops narration I
took chance to discussion. I initiated with few points. funny factor is that ,after my discussion situation in seconds of time went harsh fish market. I
thought Mahendran ,anbu will hit Punjabi’s sitting opposite to him. Friends be
calm at fish market ,try to grab chance, let others to take chance good
leader,correct the group if discussion went wrong. Everything got over by 1.p.m
.we got lunch rice, chapathis, panner masala, chicken piece, one boiled egg, one
orange.we got our T.A amount,Mobiles back.
Results announced in same hall were PPDT conducted, chest number
171 screened in , felt happy reported my name ,dob to officer got new chest
number 17. In Bengali group sandeep also screened in with new chest number
18.rest al of my friends screened out.we shouted bharath mathaki jai,and meet u
soon in next ssb from 202 candidates now only 20 screened in for stage two testing.
Documents are again verified. Mobiles surrendered again. Evening me sandeep had
site visit ,we roamed cubbon park smoked in roads. Purchased some cosmetics.
Again back to candidate mess we got nice dinner. We had a chat for night 2’o clock sung songs slept.
Morning waked, went to testing rum after having breakfast. First
test was TAT, 12 slides are shown and asked to write stories in 4 minutes..Last
slide is blank; I wrote wat I prepared before. Friends be yourself don’t write
stereotype centers based stories. Give your OLQ in TAT. Next test is WAT ,60 words
of different moods is shown I wrote positive sentences .i able to attend only
52. time is so less to think and write .so write wat comes in mind first.be positive
show olq. Next we had srt ,I attended 56-58 srt..dnt act superhero, think like a
common civilian. How honest your are ,chance of recommendation is high. Next, SD I
prepared before hand so I saved time ..pls write it honestly, introspect urself well.
Write wat u need to change in yourself, write your weakness and steps to overcome
weakness.evening went for site visit with sandeep, smoked …watched beautiful
bangaloree girls. Back had dinner ,talked played fun like officer ,slept.
Morning waked, had breakfast, went to testing area where all 20
candidate assembled. Two groups formed with 10 each in it. sandeep and me in same
group. Got one gto for our group. Starts with gd. first gto briefed and feels us
comfort. GD Topics given was women empowerment, this time no one did fish
market we managed well..tookk chance ,gave chance,
lead well, came conclusion. Second topic was India’s recent development in
science. we all put points in same manner, I thought gto felt happy with our group
such a coordination we had in tat gd.
Second test is military planning exercise, a model is shown
explained well. Gave piece of paper all wrote priotise the need ,helping materials,
timings…really it made environment stress because all had new idea. we discussed
well as gd..but can’t arrive common conclusion. Friends please listen to gto he
will tell u many tips to tackle even though he bores you, he l give useful idea,
Third test is lecuturette, I got 3 cards on topics Religion,
Globalwarming, MyCollege. I took topic religion gave speech for 3minutes ,preparation
time is 1minute..i did well,with good eye contact on group,made liveliness with
jokes..sandeep took global warming performed well.
Fourth test: PGT, fun test enjoyed a lot .Friends listen to gto
while briefing four obstacle should cross..gto will surely tells you logic in
his speech. chest number 11-20 really nice guys,good coordination, cooperative.
Friends don’t dominate give sensible logic. One sensible logic is enough to get
good impression.
Group obstacle task: gunny bags rolled in form of snake is given,
want to cross hurdles…war cry v took “vetrinadai, veeranadai”..Tamil slogan
meaning “brave walk gives you success”.all accepted…crossed well, took
40 minutes…friends familiar with rules of colors, rules of distance, rules of
bond .if violated rules come back do from first.applicable for all ground activity.
Listen gto well..
Half group task: chest number 11-20 divided again to five
each,people who dominant in pgt kept in one ,those who waiting for chance
grouped into one..sandeep went second category..did well. listen gto one only
Sandeep had interview on same day,if u have interview on gto days
go in gto uniform nothing problem..sandeep came running from room , jo “ IO, f**ks me hard, I never did well …he can’t
answer technical question it seems. Evening 6p.m went site seeing,sandeep took
3 classic cigar in tension.went mess,ate,slept.
Individual obstacle cross, I did 7/10 .all easy, I’m sure no six
packs needed to complete. have some stamina tats all ..do low mark obstacle
first..don’t stand long time in any obstacle if u can’t perform.balance beam
are so easy try tat first..all are easy obstacle.
Command task: gto called me inquired about my family ,friends ,experience
in ssb,directed me to call two subordinates I choosed chest number
12,14..completed Command task well,listen gto…do not act mediator,don’t dominate,take idea
give idea,,managed well
Final group task well performed had fun with groups,
neverdominated. had good cooperation
Finally my interview:
Jo:may I come in sir
IO:yes,gentlemen ,take your seat
IO:tell about yourself
Jo:briefed myself
IO: whydo you want to join navy
JO: I briefed uttarahandresuce,resignation of joshi sir
IO:he smiled at me,asked wil you die for country?
JO:yes sir,I will die of flag, i will kill myself for flag
IO:asked some political issues in tamilnadu
Jo:answered well
IO:asked about differential equation
Jo:bluffed integral formulas
Friends IO will surely cross checking our self description and piq form,he
asked outstanding achievement and all did well
I was called in ,all officers sat in U-turntable, fired me in all directions with questions after
question , I don’t know why..because all others candidate had only few minutes talk.
But for me it took 30-40minutes to complete conference..questions are all about
warship, adventures in life, view on tee-sta agreement with Bangladesh many
Sandeep too got many questions as mine he had it for 30minutes, i am
sure no candidates got this much time..we both went for lunch..
Results announced: sandeep chest number 18 recommended, 2 more from
first batch recommended. I went conference out, felt happy for sandeep..i know
clouds won’t stop, sun won’t stop raising. Surely will recommend in next
entry…sandeep stayed for medicals, said all d best. I went station got train to
Coimbatore. Now working on weakness. I’ve applied TGC121 waiting for dates and also for afcatresults.
Going to work on weakness not on my failures.
All the best aspirant-jai Hind
“SSB is battle, I fought bravely and ill fight bravely till I get
recommended “
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Jojo Chankan |
About JOJO
I JOJO CHANKAN JOSEPH presently doing Bachelor of
Electrical and Electronics Engineering in Nehru Institute of Engineering and
Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu. Interested in reading Books, watching
political debates, organising medical blood camp. 24*7*365 die hard uniform
aspirant. Will join as officer soon.