Frequently asked Group Discussion/Lecturette Topics ~ Shortage of Officers in Defence Forces

This is very Important post as it will clear your doubts about the terms ACC, SCO, PCSL and it is also very important post from the point of view of your Group Discussion and lecturette as this may be your topic in GTO Section, so prepare it along with other topics i have provided.
  1. Increase Quota for women
  2. Increase Departmental Commission
  3. Reduce the Standard of SSB


                We have one the largest Defence Forces in the world. We have to maintain these forces because we have hostile neighbours. On one side is Pakistan, with whom we have fought 3 wars and the proxy war is still going on. On the other side, we have china with whom we have territorial disputes and we fought a war in 1962. Today, all the three countries are nuclear mights. And it is said, “to give Peace a chance you have to be strong”. If we need to maintain a strong Defence Force then the leadership should be in place and there should be no shortage of officers.

Increase Quota for Women

Army: 600 Short Service Commission women
IAF: 420 SSC Women
Navy: 100 SSC Women

                At present, women serve in all non-combat arms, women Army officers are granted only a SSC of five years, extendable by another five. It is slightly better in the IAF and Navy, where an initial 10 year tenure can be extended by another four to five years.  It is only as doctor or nursing officers that they can hope for a permanent commission.
                The IAF has no plans to have women fighter pilots like Isreal, the US, UK and some other countries. The Navy, similarly, does not allow women officers on board sea-faring warships: if it reeks of a gender bias, the defence ministry is not telling. “The decision to induct women was taken on an experimental basis in 1991-1992. It has to be a gradual process of evolution” claims an official.
                There are also “practical” problems. “Women cannot be posted to field areas, Line of Control, International Border etc. Permanent commission is not feasible at the moment due to service conditions”, he says. Women who constitute only 2-4 percent of the total officers do not buy this.”After completing 10-15 years, we are left nowhere”, says an Army captain.
Increase Departmental Commission
                Every officer, who joins his unit, has a desire of commanding it one day. Similarly every Jawan has a desire of becoming the SM of his unit. Some of the brighter once can rise to higher ranks. A Jawan, right from the day he joins his unit till he attains the age of 40 years, is given an opportunity to become a commissioned officer.


The age bracket for Commissioning through ACC is 27 years of age. Some of the brighter recruits who are identified by their NCOs, JCOs and officers on clearing the SSB are trained for 4 years and commissioned. Such Jawans can rise to the higher echelons within the Defence Services, as they are reasonably young.


The age bracket for the commissioning for SCO is 30 to 35 years. Shortlisted candidates who have proved their worth in the unit after clearing the SSB are commissioned after 1 year training at IMA. Such candidates rise to the middle echelons of Defence Forces and they can also command their parent unit.


Those who have missed the chance of ACC and SCO and are in the age brackets of 35 to 40 years are given opportunity for commission purely by virtue of putting in long and meritorious service in the forces. On qualifying the SSB, they are made officers. Since age is against them they are purely aborbed to fulfill the administrative requirement of the Defence Forces.

Reducing Standard of SSB

In the Defence he officer often have to give orders where human life can be lost. Such orders are not given in other organizations. If due faulty orders a Jawan is killed the repercussions are bad. It gives bad name to the unit, financial loss to the government, loss of trained manpowerand difficult tie for the family of the Jawan. The SSB system that we follow is scientifically based on time tested techniques. In 1999, when the Indian Defence Forces pushed the Pakistanis out of Kargil, it proved to all of us that SSB system was working because it was the young officers cleared by the SSB, who led the JCOs and Jawans to a memorable victory. Hence the standard of SSB should not be reduced. However, for entries like PCSL, some dilution of concession can be given as these individuals have proved their worth year within their unit and since they do not have to physically lead the men in the war zone, their se3lection can be softened.

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Deepak Tomar

I'm Deepak Tomar. I have completed my M.Tech in Computer Science and now i am working as a Govt. Employee in UP Police, I Love to help others and making friends, you can connect to me on facebook for any help- I will be happy to help you .