Group Discussion/Lecturette Topics in SSB Interview ~ Should there be reservation in the Indian Army?

Guys this is all time hot Group discussion topic which is asked in SSB Interview, you may be of any caste you may be asked of your views on reservation in Indian Army then you have to present yourself in this manner in SSB Interview.All the post/topics i am posting are most important from the point of view of Group Discussion and Lecturette in SSB.
  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Leave the army alone


For quite some time national interest has been used as an excuse to block caste based reservation in the armed forces. False concern has be created over the issue, with alarmists citing impending disaster for national defence if caste-based reservation is implemented in the Forces.
                Such inductions, we are repeatedly told, would compromise the strength of the army. The question that needs to be asked is, would a preferential policy really weaken the defence system of the country?
                To my mind, there is no relationship between caste background and the military caliber required to defend the country. If that were the case, lower caste soldiers would not have been recipients of gallantry awards. If the Indian Army can claim to have done well with personnel from certain caste background, why should preferential policy based on social background be detrimental to its credibility? Soldiers are not born, they are made robust trough rigorous training.
                Secondly, protection is the primary concern both in the defence and the civil sphere, the former requires an army with rifles, while the latter requires an army with brooms to protect the civil order from epidemics. Thus, both these armies are entitled to equal recognition. But do they get equal recognition from the socio-political system?
                Army personnel deservedly get recognition, but the sanitary army gets humiliation. If the Army is treated as an essential sphere of recognition, why not offer an opportunity to Dalits to get into the Army through reservation so that they also get equal recognition?
                Are they not entitled to equal recognition? Should they not move from scavenging into more generic roles? Is it not the moral responsibility of society to advocate the placement of disadvantaged people either in the private sector or in the military establishment?
                Should the opponents of reservation get away by saying, “Let the scheduled castes and Dalits stay where they are, they should not demand preferential treatment in defence?”
                Suggest that caste-based reservation should be introduced in the Army for certain social groups under compulsion and conviction. That is because marginalized groups are compelled to target the defence sector as other job opportunities are fast withering away.
                The argument that representation of Dalits in the Army will Jeopardise national security is weak. In fact, National Defence will actually be strengthened if all sectors of Indian society are accommodated in the process without any relaxation in the rigour of training.


                The Indian Army s perhaps the most secular entity in the country it does not differentiate between caste, religion or any such groups. It is a homogenous organization and reservation is an alien world in its rank and file. In fact, any kind of reservation will go against the army’s culture of total homogeneity and secularism. Recruitment is purely merit-based. Anyone who meets the physical, educational and other such mandatory standards of the Army, can apply and get selected after going through a strict selection process.
                It recruits under two broad categories. The first comprisesof various regiments such as the Jat, Sikh, Garhwal and Kumaon Regiment. These are made of soldiers with a similar background.
                The second category is the all-India one. Here, recruitment is done across the country based on merit. Most of the services fall within this category. These include the ordnance Corps, Army service Corps, signals corps, Electrical and Mechanical Engineers etc.
                Certain states such as Punjab and Haryana and regions like Garhwal, Kumaon etc, have an edge as they have higher quotas, while states such as West Bengal and Gujarat have lower quotas. But that has nothing to do with caste-based reservation. Then there are certain mixed regiments like the Mahar Regiment from Maharashtra, which has a representation of backward class from the state. Votaries of reservation in the armed forces are doing it more as a political gimmick. It is vote-bank politics, and there is no place for politics in the Army. Indeed, the British had classified India on the basis of martial and non-martial communities. But now recruitment is purely merit-based.
                In fact, in all the wars since 1947, soldiers from diverse backgrounds have excelled themselves. What mattered most to them is that they are Indians. There was no place for caste, or community-based divisions.

Leave the army alone

                The Army has been involved in war since independence. India is the only country in the world which has so many hostile neighbours and the Indian army is the only organization which loses 5 men daily. However despite all odds, the army has never let down the country, be it in war, Tsunami, flood or earthquake. It is one organization which goes about its work without corruption, in a disciplined and meticulous manner, executing drills which are based on time tested formats.
                It is an apolitical organization which believes in homogeneity and secularism ie MMG(Mandir, Masjid and Gurudwara). I feel that the politicians should leave the organization alone and not rake up issues which may disturb its very fibre. Recruitment in the Army is based on State/District basis and fair representation is given to all. The various units of Indian army have worked as a well-oiled machine and produced result in war and peace-time duties since independence. The latest example is that of relied operations post-earthquake in J&K when people shouted slogans like send Gurkhas, Jats, not Maftis. The fauji bhai today has izzat in the society which he has earned through sacrifice and sweat, and the public recognize it. Hence, the best is to leave the Army alone.

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Deepak Tomar

I'm Deepak Tomar. I have completed my M.Tech in Computer Science and now i am working as a Govt. Employee in UP Police, I Love to help others and making friends, you can connect to me on facebook for any help- I will be happy to help you .