SSB Interview
~ Sample TAT Stories Sets for Practice
Hello SSB
Aspirants, We are updating our TAT section with Sample TAT
Stories for better practice of Psychological Test to be
conducted in SSB Interview. Most of the aspirants continuously ask
about Sample Practice Sets and How to write TAT stories in SSB
Interview. We have named this section as PRO TAT section. Your comments
are most welcome and we will provide a feedback to improve your stories.
Sample TAT Story for SSB Interview
Sibal was residing in Khazana complex of the city. He heard a noise outside, which he attended immediately. He found that there was an outbreak of fire on the 11th storey of the building . The entrance of the staircase was closed and locked. The lift was not working due to electric failure because of fire accident incidentally. Sibal formed a team out of the spectators, Who were ready to volunteer to participate in rescue operation . He planned for the operation quickly and briefed to the team members. He arranged ropes and the fire extinguishers promptly. Sibal climbed up with the help of rope along with two extinguishers initially to put out the fire .The fire extinguishers were operated dynamically and the process was repeated till the tire was put out completely .Two more persons of the team joined Sibal to glide down the essential things from the eleventh storey and handover to the owners, where required to do so. Sibal with his team completed the job timely and could prevent fire from further spreading. The entire scene was given under head lines by print as well as electronic media next day. Besides above,the conspicuous act of Sibal and the team , as demonstrated with proper planning , management, courage and timely action, was an example to others and an inspiration to the youth of the country.
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Deepak Tomar
I'm Deepak Tomar. I have completed my M.Tech in Computer Science and now i am working as a Govt. Employee in UP Police, I Love to help others and making friends, you can connect to me on facebook for any help- I will be happy to help you .